Chapter 494

As soon as Sun Bin finished speaking, Sun Shangxiang grabbed him by the neck.

"Who are you?" Sun Shangxiang tilted his head and asked.

"Well, first...let go of me...I...I'm Sun Bin...let go of me, I'm dying!" Sun Bin resisted desperately.

"Oh? Sun Bin? I don't know you." Sun Shangxiang let go of his hand when Sun Bin finished speaking, and Sun Bin fell to the ground.

"Well, you can't take it easy! It hurt me." Sun Bin said to Sun Shangxiang with a painful face.

Sun Shangxiang ignored him.Thinking of the mission, he asked Sun Bin, "Where is Lu Bu?"

"Ah? I... I don't know." After all, Sun Shangxiang is quite powerful, and Sun Bin couldn't help but feel a little scared when he yelled at her like that just now.

Sun Shangxiang ignored him and left on his own.

And Liu Bei is frantically looking for Sun Shangxiang.

"Xiangxiang! Xiangxiang! Where are you?!" Liu Bei looked everywhere.Go to her room, go to Sun Shangxiang's favorite arsenal, go to Sun Shangxiang's favorite arena.But they didn't see Sun Shangxiang's figure.In order to find Sun Shangxiang, Liu Bei has not closed his eyes for three days and three nights.

Liu Bei finally couldn't take it anymore, and when he was about to faint, he suddenly saw Sun Shangxiang.He tried his best to walk to Sun Shangxiang, but Liu Bei couldn't take it anymore without eating or drinking for three days and three nights. He walked to Sun Shangxiang and said:
"Xiangxiang...I finally found you..." Liu Bei fainted beside Sun Shangxiang after speaking.

Seeing the person in front of her suddenly collapsed, Sun Shangxiang was startled at first, and then recovered her indifferent expression.Sun Shangxiang was going to walk away, but Liu Bei grabbed Sun Shangxiang's feet and murmured, "Xiangxiang don't go, I love you, no, don't go..."

Seeing her feet being grabbed by Liu Bei, Sun Shangxiang seemed to gradually recall something in her mind: how nice a man was to her at the beginning, but then it changed, that man stopped coming to see her... This is the end of the memory.

Sun Shangxiang came back to his senses, and his expression became indifferent again.Yes, she will only lose her mind in the memories, and only at that time Sun Shangxiang's expression is no longer indifferent.Sun Shangxiang put Liu Bei's hand on her shoulder, and put the other hand on Liu Bei's body. Sun Shangxiang vaguely remembered the way to her home. After walking for several hours, she arrived at her home again.Just as Sun Quan was about to go out for business, he was surprised when he saw the machinery on his little sister, and then at Liu Bei on Sun Shangxiang, and asked Sun Shangxiang:

"Axiang, did you become like this? What's going on?"

"Who are you?" Sun Shangxiang tilted his head and asked the surprised Sun Quan.

"Ah Xiang, I'm your second brother, Sun Quan, how did you become like this?!" After Sun Quan heard this, his soul almost died of fright. Yes, Liu Bei didn't tell Sun Quan and the others about Sun Shangxiang's disappearance because he felt that he was missing. Sun Shangxiang was able to be found, but he did not tell Sun Quan and the others.

"Sun Quan? I don't know him. I only came here with my own memory." Sun Shangxiang replied very confused.

At this time Liu Bei woke up in a daze.

"Xiangxiang! You're back! did you become like this?!" Liu Bei also asked in surprise.

"Who are you? Why do you know me?" Sun Shangxiang was very, very confused at this time, and his mind was in a mess.

"Xiangxiang, don't you know me? I'm your husband-in-law Liu Bei!" Liu Bei almost went crazy, and Sun Shangxiang became like this, and he was also very scared and surprised because Sun Shangxiang didn't know him anymore.Today Xuande and Zhuge Liang are talking about military affairs again, maybe Xuande really likes to be cared about.

Maybe I really can't coax people softly like Xiao Qiao... I'm just a rude woman who uses gunfire to open the way... Xuande should not come to me.It's not worth it after all, is it?
It has been more than seven months since we got married, and he never comes to me.The servants who waited on me were also driven away by me, originally they were reluctant, didn't they?
Lu Bu knew that his wife Diao Chan liked Zhao Zilong, he was afraid that Diao Chan's life would be unhappy and bad, and he didn't even have the courage to forcefully snatch her back, but he said it didn't matter, as long as she lived a good life.So he left, and when he came back, he was covered in cold machinery and a cold tone.In fact, this is not bad, is it?At least not be hurt by love.

Do I want to become this cold robot?
"Are you sure? You want to become this cold robot? You may lose your memory if you become like this." Xu Fu asked.

"Yes." Sun Shangxiang said calmly.

Xu Fu just sighed slightly, and began to reform Sun Shangxiang.

One day, two days, three days, it took three days to transform Sun Shangxiang.When Sun Shangxiang opened her eyes again, Xu Fu asked her:
"Do you know who you are?"

"I... who am I? I remember someone calling me Miss." Sun Shangxiang said in confusion.

"What do you remember?"

"...and...he..." A man with a hat played back in Sun Shangxiang's mind.She wanted to see his face, but it had disappeared when she thought about it.

"Oh? Who is he?" Xu Fu asked suspiciously. Sun Shangxiang was reformed, so he shouldn't be remembered.

"I...I don't know...I don't want to think about it!" Although Sun Shangxiang has been transformed, she has human agility and speaking ability.

"Well, if you don't want to think about it, don't think about it. I tell you that your name is Sun Shangxiang, and your mission is to stop Lu Bu and complete the destruction! Do you understand?" Xu Fu said to Sun Shangxiang seriously.

"Yes, I understand." Sun Shangxiang said expressionlessly.

"By the way, when you meet a man named Liu Bei, no matter what he says to you, don't take it to heart, understand?"

"Yes." Sun Shangxiang still said expressionlessly.

Xu Fu felt more relieved now that Sun Shangxiang had been transformed into this cold robot, and he didn't believe that Liu Bei could call her back.What's more, Xiao Qiao, Sun Quan and the others...

"By the way, take your guns and go to carry out the mission." Xu Fu came back to his senses and said.

"Yes." After Sun Shangxiang finished speaking, he entered the arsenal and found his gun at a glance.Touching his guns and saying:

"Old man, it seems that you have been well maintained."

Although Sun Shangxiang has lost her memory, she can still remember some of it, such as her old buddy Gun Pao, how could she forget it after so many years of using Gun Pao to open the way?In fact, Sun Shangxiang also has feelings for his guns.After all, this gun had a relationship with himself and his eldest brother, but this relationship was only before Sun Shangxiang was transformed, how could he remember it after being transformed?

"Old man, let's go. Let's go to the task." Sun Shangxiang picked up the gun and went out.

Come to the Canyon of Kings

"Huh? Sun Shangxiang, how did you become like this? Oh, by the way, Liu Bei is looking for you all over the street!" Sun Bin was very puzzled when he saw Sun Shangxiang's whole body of machinery.

(End of this chapter)

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