Chapter 495

Tang Xiyin was dreaming.

She was absolutely sure that she was trapped in a dream, and she watched helplessly that a woman who looked completely different from herself was forced to the edge of a cliff by a group of people who betrayed her.

And this woman has the same name and surname as herself.

On the opposite side, a group of people came out with swords and pointed straight at Tangxiyin on the edge of the cliff. The cold murderous aura overflowed, and the temperature on the already cold mountaintop dropped a few degrees.

"Ayin! Don't make trouble, come back with me." Among the crowd, a man stood out, looking at the crumbling Tangxiyin, his face was full of worry and concern.

He stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to hold the woman, but he was afraid that she would be hurt when she was excited, so he was very anxious.

"Heh..." Tang Xiyin sneered, a stream of blood slid down the corner of his mouth, a long flowing skirt was blowing in the cold wind, and his thin body seemed to be blowing away with the wind in the next moment: "Tianzhu , but I underestimated you, never thought that you have been acting since you were 12 years old, with such a deep scheming mind, lurking beside me for eight years, I have never discovered your wolfish ambition!"

Eight years, when Tianzhu was only 12 years old, and I was ten years old, they were still children.

Tang Xiyin still remembers that winter, when the little boy was shivering in the cold, but the eyes he looked at her were full of stubbornness and refusal to admit defeat. Those eyes made her inexplicably fond of them, but she didn't expect it to be just a momentary soft-heartedness. , I actually led the wolf into the house.

Thinking of the tragic death of her relatives, Tang Xiyin gritted her teeth and stared at the beast opposite, her eyes were red with pain.

"Enough!" Tianzhu roared, being annoyed by those eyes full of hatred, he took a deep breath of the restlessness in his heart under the air pressure, and said, "Ayin, I like you, don't you forget We grew up together as childhood sweethearts, don’t you like me too? Now no one will stop us, I will treat you well, only for you..."

As if recalling the past bit by bit, now that no one can hinder him anymore, Tianzhu's eyes softened, his voice was soft, and he looked at Tang Xiyin tenderly, as if he was going to drown him.

"Ayin, let's go to see the sea together, watch the sun rise and set together, grow old together, and I will fulfill my promise to you, a couple for the rest of my life, as long as you hand over your things..."

"You-shameless!" Tang Xiyin clenched her fists tightly, stared at Tianzhu, and said word by word, she had never hated someone so much like this moment, and hated herself so much, hated that she didn't know people clearly , Raising wolves as lambs until now: "Just because my father and queen mother objected, you are so ruthless, you actually kill you dare to say you love me, hehe...hehe."

"Tangxi Yin" who had been watching from the beginning widened her eyes, darling, she always thought it was a sadomasochistic plot, but she never thought it would be so cruel, and she committed murder just because her parents objected? !

And it sounds like he was still the king of a country?
Isn't it because he likes his daughter, but when the other party disagrees, he directly seeks to usurp the throne and let her destroy the country...

This is not crazy enough to describe it!

"Ayin..." Tianzhu frowned.

"Enough! Don't you just want what's on me?" Tang Xiyin lowered her head slightly, her mood was very unstable. After being hunted down for many days, her injuries kept getting worse. At this time, she was almost at the end of her strength, and she couldn't last much longer. , but before dying...

"Lotus grows every step, lotus grows every step... Heh" Tang Xiyin stretched out his hand, the air condensed, and the next moment, he saw a lotus flower emerging from the plain white palm, and a dense fragrance spread silently.

Tianzhu's eyes brightened, the legend was indeed true, he stepped forward and looked at the lotus eagerly.

"Give it to me!"

A strand of hair fell with the wind, covering Tang Xiyin's eyes.

She said, "Okay!"

As long as he can get it, he will be the next monarch in a legitimate way. This is the biggest secret of the Holy Kingdom, and then he can unify the world, and even live forever. Don't dare to refuse!

Tianzhu looked at the lotus flower as bright as the moonlight, and was so close to it at this moment.

Tianzhu's eyes were tinged with madness.

Ten years of hard work and calculations are finally about to come true.

"Want to? Then - give it to you!" Tang Xiyin calmed down, with a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth.

With a wave of palm, the lotus floated like Tianzhu and flew towards it, getting closer and closer, Tianzhu stared at it, and could no longer see anything else in his eyes, even the people who had been staring at Tangxiyin on guard were also attracted Attention, watching the miracle in amazement.

That's right, it's a miracle!
The gods are enlightened! ! !
Finally, it seemed like a long time, until Tianzhu's clothes were almost soaked with sweat, the lotus flower finally floated in front of Tianzhu, he hurriedly stretched out his hand, his whole body was trembling.

The next moment, the lotus finally landed safely in his palm.

"It's mine now, the lotus growing at every step, the national treasure of the Holy Kingdom, the ladder to the gods, it's finally mine, haha, hahahaha..." Tianzhu looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, congratulations to Your Majesty, long live my emperor, long live long live!"

With a bang, everyone except Tangxiyin put down their weapons neatly and knelt down on the ground. The neat voice startled "Tangxiyin".

"Everything is flat!" Tianzhu finally put away the expression on his face, waved his big hand, and the wide sleeves fluttered like his heart, and the joy on his face could not be concealed.

Everything is in hand!
"Your Majesty!" Tang Xiyin took a step back, and countless gravels rolled down. She wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and finally she was no longer so embarrassed. She smiled slightly, with the happiness and innocence of her youth, and said softly: "I wish you good luck. !"

After speaking, the body fell back and fell towards the cliff.


"Tangxi Yin" watched all this helplessly, and stretched out his hand to grab the opponent, but only caught a touch of air.

Tang Xiyin's baggy clothes carried her body and disappeared into the sea of ​​clouds in an instant.

"Ayin?!" Tianzhu's face changed, he took a step forward uncontrollably, and then he reacted and stopped.

"His Majesty?"

Just as Tianzhu was about to speak, a beast roar sounded in the distance, and the next moment, the lotus flower in his hand flashed.

With a bang, it exploded suddenly.

Numerous rubble and trees were torn into pieces, and the strong wind raged, bringing countless pieces of minced meat, and the ground was blood red.

Flying stones flew, shattered into powder and dust, and the smell of blood spread in the lingering fragrance of flowers.

A bleak black light disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The next moment, a white light flashed, and with a sad and determined roar, a white shadow jumped down towards the cliff.

It happened so fast that "Tangxiyin" didn't react at all. When she did, she felt a strong sense of weightlessness. For some reason, she had already fallen off the cliff with the white light.

(End of this chapter)

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