Chapter 496

Facing so many killers, Mu Yusheng hasn't been active for a long time, so he just came here to stretch his muscles and try his skills.At this moment, Mu Yusheng suddenly felt a little weak physically and mentally weak, how could this be?

She is very clear about her own physique. If it is because she drives after completing the flight, as a killer, her physique cannot be so weak. Therefore, this reason can be ruled out, but what reason can make her body become like this?Yunxi next to him saw Mu Yusheng's current appearance, curled his lips, and looked at her puzzled face, it seemed that she had no doubts about him at all. It turned out that Mu Yusheng trusted him so much, I should have known , she just increased the dose in the coffee.

Mu Yusheng had no time to think, so he could only fight, thinking, although he didn't know what was going on, this small situation was enough to deal with it.But—but the current situation is that there are tens of thousands of people together, and there may be experts among them.At this moment, Yun Xi next to him was about to stab these killers with a knife, but suddenly, he turned around and changed to attack Mu Yusheng. The "comrades in arms" are so relieved, but as a killer, she still senses the murderous aura, the murderous aura from Yunxi!
Yun Xi originally wanted to stab Mu Yusheng's heart with this knife, but Mu Yusheng reacted in time and only stabbed a place very close to the heart. "Yunxi, you..." At this moment, Mu Yusheng looked at Yunxi in surprise, why did she do this?She regards her as the most trusted person, but now...

Mu Yusheng is not stupid either. Looking at Yunxi's reaction now, he knew that his discomfort just now must have something to do with Yunxi. Before Yunxi could answer, Mu Yusheng said: "My physical discomfort just now is also related to yours. Related? Yunxi, tell me, why, we have been friends for so many years, and I treat you as my own sister!"

Yun Xi sneered: "Yes, you are not stupid, you can think that I poisoned you, but no matter how powerful you Mu Yusheng is, and how to detoxify, this is specially designed for you, and you treat me so well." Trust, naturally you don’t have any vigilance at all, and this poison will naturally run into your body." Yunxi continued: "Also, if you ask me why, then I will tell you. It can only be blamed You yourself, why did the organization we entered together focus on cultivating you and leave me aside, how can I not compare to you?! Yes, you are indeed excellent, but I, Yunxi, am not inferior, no wonder I blame you for being too good and blocking my way, so you must die"

"Hehe, blocked your path? Our friendship since we were young, because one sentence blocked your path, so you want to kill me? Thinking about it, I am really ridiculous. I regard you as the most trusted person, but now You made me like this." Mu Yusheng laughed, as if he was laughing at himself, and at the same time he seemed to be laughing at Yunxi. "Yunxi, you forgot the mission this time? You are here to get the essence of the Qinglong, so you are not afraid of being blamed by the organization for failure?" May be found? That's just a cover"

"Also, you fought before the poison you were poisoned, it will only cause your poison to attack early, and now, you were stabbed by me again, I think, you should not be ignorant of the knife Is there something on it?"

"Yunxi, if you do this, you won't be afraid that Qingyang will find out? There's also an organization'" "Brother Qingyang? Organization? I forgot to tell you, the trick this not solely due to me" Mu Mu Yu Sheng's eyes narrowed, his face turned ugly, and suddenly he changed back. "Okay, it's me, I'm self-inflicted. Killers shouldn't have feelings, but what about me? But I believe in you, I believe in the so-called friendship. Okay, since you all want me to die, then you can bury me with me! After finishing speaking, Mu Yusheng used the essence and blood of the fire phoenix as a trigger to detonate himself.Yunxi next to him naturally saw what Mu Yusheng was going to do, and panicked.Then there was a loud "bang", and the surrounding area was razed to the ground thousands of miles away.

Loving you... exhausted all my love... If... I still have a chance to choose, can I choose not to love you?

Text: China, 9:00 am, an airport
A young girl stepped off the plane.The facial features are exquisite, the skin is snow-like, especially those eyes, which are so clear that they will make people sink at a glance. They have an elegant and noble temperament, which makes people feel ashamed of themselves, but the aloofness and agility are quite seductive. The state of it makes people have to dream about it.

Seeing such a girl walking at the airport naturally attracted the attention of many people, but the girl ignored them all.Looking at the girl in front of him, who would have thought that she was the feared "Queen of Blood" Mu Yusheng in the killer world?
Mu Yusheng walked out of the airport quickly, walked up to a black car, got in the car, and ran on the road.

In a certain coffee shop, a beautiful girl is sitting there, seems to be thinking about something, and seems to be waiting for someone.The black car stopped in front of the coffee shop. Mu Yusheng got out of the car and walked into the coffee shop. His eyes fell on the table where the beautiful girl was sitting, and he walked up and down.

"Yusheng, long time no see." The beautiful girl greeted Mu Yusheng with a sweet voice.Hearing the girl greet him, Mu Yusheng replied with a smile, "Well, yes, long time no see, Yunxi, I didn't expect that our Miss Yun would come to pick me up in person, hey, I'm so honored." "Our Mu How can I not welcome the eldest queen back in person, don’t you think so?”

Mu Yusheng sat down while talking, and said to Yunxi beside him, "Tell me, what's the matter this time?" Yunxi thought for a while, "Well... there is a new mission, although we There is no shortage of manpower here, and the task here is special, so I can only leave it to you." "Oh?" Mu Yusheng raised her eyebrows, but she was quite curious. After becoming famous in the first battle, no one dared to provoke her, and there was no task worthy of her doing it herself.But now that she was asked to come back from abroad, saying that it was a task that only she could complete, she wanted to see what kind of task it was, and it was worth her doing it. "Need me to do it myself? What kind of task?" Mu Yusheng asked again. "It is this time that you need to send the Azure Dragon Essence, and you must send it back to the organization base intact. Because your Azure Dragon Essence is really important, just like the fire phoenix essence in your body, it contains very powerful power, so, Now the secret organizations in various countries are trying to figure out ways to compete for the essence of the Azure Dragon, Ken will send many masters, it will be very chaotic at that time, after much deliberation, only you can complete this, "Essence of the Azure Dragon?I've heard of it too, but I didn't expect to find it, but where did you find it?" "Well... it's the most secret thing in the organization... So, it's just... cough, but in the middle, Brother Qingyang and I Will help you." "Qingyang?He...wasn't he also assigned to go abroad like me?Why, he came back this time because of this Azure Dragon Essence? ""Ok"……

The two then walked out of the coffee shop and went to the place where the essence of the blue dragon was placed.On the way, Mu Yusheng always felt as if someone was following them and watching them, but he thought that it was not a problem, just get rid of them.So he accelerated the speed of the car, but a huge rock fell down and hit the car, and Mu Yusheng quickly reacted and jumped out of the car. Of course, Yunxi's skills were not bad, and he jumped out of the car together with Mu Yusheng.But he found that the surrounding area had already been surrounded by people, and there were tens of thousands of people.

(End of this chapter)

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