Chapter 505

Seeing that his boss was so interested in a woman, Xu Ze couldn't help but doubt Loiman's identity.It turned out that this man was the well-known Young Master Lu——Lu Yuheng.

Loimann was walking at the airport and looked back: Hey!As for people, they won't be really scared away by me.Just as Royman was thinking, a voice suddenly came out: "Miss, I am here!" Royman turned around and saw that it was his driver, Uncle Zhang——Zhang Dezhong.Immediately ran over and hugged Uncle Zhang and said: "Uncle Zhang, I miss you so much." "Uncle Zhang, I miss you too." Zhang Dezhong said to Loiman: "Miss, let me help you with your luggage." , the car is outside." Facing Zhang Dezhong like this, Royman said with a smile: "Oh, Uncle Zhang, I'm old enough to ask you to carry my luggage." Seeing Royman, Zhang Dezhong said, "How can that be done? You are a young lady, how can you pull the suitcase by yourself?" Royman saw that Uncle Zhang was not pretentious, so he had to give the suitcase to Zhang Dezhong.

--the other side

Xu Ze followed his boss and said, "Boss, what does that woman have to do with you?" Lu Yuheng stopped. Seeing Lu Yuheng stop suddenly, Xu Ze almost bumped into him.Lu Yuheng said coldly: "Xu Ze, ask what you should ask, and don't ask what you shouldn't." After speaking, he gave Xu Ze a piercing glance.Seeing Lu Yuheng's eyes, Xu Ze trembled and said, "Boss, I understand." Seeing that Xu Ze knew, Lu Yuheng quickened his pace.Now Xu Ze doesn't even dare to show off his atmosphere, for fear of offending Lu Yuheng and losing his job.

——Royman sat in a Lincoln car and asked Zhang Dezhong: "Uncle Zhang, why did my mother call you here in such a hurry." Zhang Dezhong: "Madam, didn't I tell you?" Royman replied: "No, she didn't tell me anything." "Uncle Zhang, do you know something?" Zhang Dezhong hesitated and said, "You should ask your wife yourself." Seeing that Zhang Dezhong refused to speak, Royman did not continue ask.He continued to swipe his phone, and half an hour later, Zhang Dezhong said to Loiman: "Miss, you're home."

After speaking, he opened the car door for Royman. Royman got out of the car and saw a castle-like villa standing in a magnificent manor—this is where Royman lived for 20 years.Royman walked into the manor leisurely, and every servant would greet Royman when they saw him: Miss.Entering the hall, I saw a middle-aged woman in her 40s saw Royman and immediately hugged him: "Manman, you are finally back." That's right, this woman is Royman's mother Rowling.Seeing Rowling like this, Royman seemed to be used to it.Loimann:

"Hey, hey, I dare not come back. If I don't come back, you can't kill me." When Rowling saw her daughter say this, she said, "I'm sorry, you dare not come back." Royman said to his mother I was speechless, turned around and said to Zhang Dezhong who was behind me: "Uncle Zhang, thank you, please give that luggage to Aunt Zhao, just let Aunt Zhao put the luggage in my room." At this time, Aunt Zhao came over and took the luggage .

Loiman sat down on the sofa and asked Rowling, "Tell me what's the matter with asking me to come back this time." Seeing her daughter, Rowling said: "It's okay, mom can't call you back, that's okay, mom misses you It's over." Seeing his mother like this, Royman said, "Okay, don't be fooled, I don't know you yet." Rowling: "That's right, I'm asking you to come back and get married." Royman was surprised: "marry!"

Brother Huaijin~ Fu Qingzhi took Nan Huaijin's arm intimately, and then a beautiful voice remembered: -P, you're done with the meeting~ You've worked so hard~ I brought you something to eat.Sister Yuwei is no longer you seem to work so hard every day for the past three years-I know today is Yuwei’s birthday, let’s go together after you finish eating~ She has been gone for three years to celebrate Yuwei’s birthday...

Take it back.Nan Huaijin pulled out her arms calmly, and said lightly: "I have a secretary who will prepare it...don't come here anymore. I will go on her birthday:-P. Don't come here anymore." Nan Huaijin didn't get angry because of his words No one seems to be able to walk into his cold heart - but Fu Qingzhi knows that it was her nominal cousin who walked into her heart three years ago.At that time, she was mad with jealousy, but there was nothing on the surface.Even after three years, his heart doesn't belong to her. Sometimes she will inadvertently ask him if there is anything he can't compare to Ji Yuwei?He sometimes shakes his head but mostly doesn't speak...

Even though she thought a lot in her heart, Fu Qingzhi still smiled lightly and said: Yuwei is gone, I am his sister, naturally I will take care of you for him...

Nan Huaijin suddenly stopped and turned back to stare at her and said: Who said she is gone, she is always in my heart, it is always there...

Huaijin, don’t deceive yourself anymore~ Fu Qingzhi suddenly hugged him and said: Let me take care of you instead of Yuwei~ I can do what Yuwei can do, she can accompany you to watch operas, and I can also accompany you... Before I finished speaking, my arms were suddenly empty-
Immediately after Nan Huaijin's voice without a trace of warmth came to mind: Praying, after sending Miss Fu out, my office is not accessible to everyone:
It's the president, Ms. Fu, please.

Huai Jin, I'll come again next time~ I'll be leaving first
prepare clothes for me
Yes, President: Bo Si hurriedly responded to Bo Si's support to the CEO in the past three years, only being touched by Miss Yuwei, and there is a faint smile on his lips. Any fool can see that Miss Fu is borrowing three years. Years ago, I was close to the president...

Yuwei-Do you want me to take you there? A Rolls-Royce is parked at the gate of Juli... I don’t need Ji Yuwei’s cold voice to remember: This job is not something I can do alone. Vaccines are difficult to collect without the help of others... What's more, I have to use him to reverse the case for my father and Fu Qingzhi... I am no longer that Ji Yuwei three years ago, I will pay back the pain they have done to me...

Miss, you can't go up without an appointment~ The lady at the front desk said

I'm looking for your president.I don't have an appointment, but I can guarantee that it will definitely meet me, or you can call him for me to confirm. .

There are too many people who want to find our president. Didn’t the president’s girlfriend just now go away? The secretary just sent her away. I advise you to save yourself...

Girlfriend? Is it Fu Qingzhi? Ji Yuwei covered her lips and chuckled, maybe your information is wrong~
Let's go, no matter what my information is, no appointment is not allowed

Ji Yuwei turned around and wanted to spend so much time with him, it seemed really pointless, turned around and wanted to leave, but was suddenly stopped by a pleasantly surprised voice:

Miss Yuwei~ Is it really you? You are back... Qiyan looked at the girl in white clothes in front of her in shock

Are you praying? Ji Yuwei can't remember clearly... After all, it's been almost three years

People always have to become like now

Miss Yuwei, where have you been? The president has been looking for you like crazy for three years. The president misses you all the time.
Ji Yuwei thought to herself: Look at how many people are deceived by his appearance...

I went abroad and now I’m back Ji Yuwei said~
Does the president know you're back? Qi Yan couldn't hide his excited tone
He doesn't know so I want to surprise him and take me up there

Okay, okay...Qi Yan hurriedly said that he would not dare to delay the CEO's important event

(End of this chapter)

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