Chapter 506

It was still the same as usual, I was doing the same thing as yesterday, but today I wanted to eat the fried rice from the old lady on Lianger Street.

By the way, it's snowing, today is May [-]th.

The road is full of people taking pictures. Although we are in the south, it is not like those southern towns where the spring is tender all the year round. Occasionally, there will be a cold wind here, which will let you get out of the tender water and enjoy A baptism of sanity.There will also be lovely snow in winter, and you can see couples kissing under the street lamps. Occasionally, the heavy snow will bring one snowman after another with awkward but warm smiles.Everything is unique, everything is normal.

It's just that it's snowing in May, which is a bit of a novelty.

The old lady's stall was closed. It seemed that it was suddenly cold and her body couldn't bear it.

I tightened my coat, and then tightened the scarf. This scarf has been with me for six years, and it has many stories.Continue to walk forward, there is a supermarket on the corner of the street, I thought about buying instant noodles and two cans of beer, and going back to play a few games, this life is nourishing, the more I think about it, the more I feel that this idea is good, so I speed up my pace.

I went out of the supermarket after buying something delicious, and a gust of cold wind blew in my face, and I tightened my coat again. The soles of the shoes under the snow were thicker, and there were a lot fewer people on the street than before. People just want to take a few photos of the so-called "snow in May and I am in it", and upload the so-called beautiful life in the space Moments, but this is just to show a person and let him know that I live a good life better than you.

I wanted to smoke a cigarette, touched my pocket, and took out the cigarette case, which was very light and seemed to be gone.It was windy, but not too strong. I nodded the last tree sideways and looked at this street that I passed by every day. The newly planted saplings were covered with a layer of snow. They were so thin and lonely that it made people feel pitiful. I really wanted to tell it such a thing. The weather doesn't happen very often, but it's a pity that it can't understand it.

After the smoke was gone, I turned around and walked into the supermarket. It was hard to imagine what my life would be like without the company of smoke.

Open the window before going out, you know, there will be a unique smell in the home of the otaku, a smell that makes others uncomfortable but makes me feel affectionate, every time I think of this, I always feel a little warm, But at the same time, I felt sick.

In fact, it is a home, that is, a small house rented from an old lady for a cheap price. I think all the old ladies in the world are very good, whether it is the old lady selling pan-yaki on the street, or the one who kindly rented the house to me. Grandma the landlady, I always call her that, or maybe it is the grandma who brought me up and brought me up to draw sand paintings by the sea, but there is no blood relationship.

The house is a bit too cold, but the good news is that the otaku atmosphere has dissipated.Sure enough, this snow is quite useful to me, at least it doesn't matter if the smell is loose.

I went into the kitchen and looked at the kettle. The water was cold, so I had to reconnect a pot to boil it. The kettle that has been with me for two years was bought with a week’s salary. up.

It's better to turn on the computer first than wait for the water to boil, I thought so, and walked into the bedroom.Pig nest!I can only describe it in this way, I smiled helplessly, and casually took off the tie hanging on the doorknob, "I have to clean this weekend," I thought in my heart.Although few women come to my so-called "pig nest", I still have a clean heart.What I said made me want to smoke myself.Turn on the computer and log on to QQ. In fact, I know that there are not many people of the same age who still play QQ these days, but this is the only way for me to know what she did and what she did.

She didn't post anything today.

I never visit her space, and I never open the photos she sends, I just look at them from a distance, just look at them.I don't want her to know that I've been here, and I occasionally send some photos, just to prove to her that I'm doing fine without her.Thinking about it this way, I may be like those people taking pictures on the street, I just don't want to admit it.

After the noodles were soaked, the aroma washed away my thoughts, and with the sound of "呲" from the can, my night life began.

All I know is that I played for a long time, looked at my watch, it was past twelve, had my last sip of beer, and was about to go to bed.One last look at my phone, there was a text message, not a contact on my phone, but I recognized the number and recognized it at first sight.

In order not to think of her again, in order for her to never find me again, in order to never enter her life again.I changed my phone number, and even changed my phone, so I wish I could believe I never had that person in my life, but I can still recognize her from the party photos she sent, and I can still recognize her number at a glance , I still feel my heart throbbing when I see and think of knowing anything about her.

She said: "Finally got your phone number from your friend, this is the last time I text you, I won't bother you again, I just want to say, I've been waiting for you for a long time, I hope one day you will come back Find me, pull me along, you can go anywhere, but you don't, I will still insist on posting every day, so that you know what I am doing and where I am, but you haven't come back, never again."

I knew it was her, I didn't want to talk, and there was no one to talk to, so I lit a cigarette and just sat, flipping through this text message over and over again.Smoke out, light another one.

I sat for a long time, and I felt more and more bitter while smoking the cigarette. I thought that I would not return to her, so I decided to go to sleep.At this time, another text message came. I had no expression on my face, but I opened it without hesitation.

"I'm getting married," she said.

I can understand how long she hesitated and struggled in her heart when she said this sentence, I will not blame her, why should I blame her, she is not wrong at all, it is very strange why I think so.

I sat on the couch and looked at the ceiling with my head resting on the couch.Life will always be a mess when you feel a little peace, no, the so-called peace, it seems to be used to this setting, I don't know what to do, what to think, should I go crazy?Should we cry?

I started smoking cigarettes, one after another.I suddenly thought, when did I learn to smoke, but I can’t remember, I just know that she liked me because of my handsome sideways lighting, but I just thought smoking was handsome, so I followed the so-called smoking in the society. My brothers smoked together, and we were all stupid at the time.

Why do I think about this, why everything is related to her, I can’t remember when I started smoking, I just know it started before I met her, I can’t remember when the next time I cried after my grandma passed away, But I remember crying in her arms.

I just sat on the sofa, staring at the phone, the cigarette case was next to me, one after another, I didn’t know what to say, and it didn’t feel right to say what I wanted to say. In the past tense, there is only that wall, the wall that the two of us built one by one.

I sat all night, smoked a whole pack of cigarettes, and flipped through those two messages over and over again.In the end, I only replied one sentence.Putting down the phone and checking the time, it was almost dawn, and I was going to be scolded at work again, so I had to hurry up to catch up on sleep, got up and walked into the bedroom, and threw myself into the arms of the bed.Like running away.

The mobile phone is placed on the table, it can be seen before the screen is locked, and there is only one sentence on the screen.

"It's good that you live well, but don't let me know about your happiness."

(End of this chapter)

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