Chapter 513

【When God closes a door for you, he will open a window for you.In this process, don't be impatient, maybe, the happiness waiting for you has come quietly? ——Chu (chu) Mu Jun]

Yuliu Town, Jiangcheng City.

The weather in October has gradually turned cold, and the night air is covered with condensed frost.

At eleven or two o'clock, the condensed frost condensed into raindrops, dripping down from the thick night, beating in the quiet night, like a low-pitched violin piece.

It's just that this violin piece is low and muffled, as if it's playing the song under the moon.

It makes people sad and weep after hearing it.

"Sorry, the phone you dialed has been switched off."

"Sorry, the phone you dialed has been switched off."

"Sorry, the phone you dialed has been switched off."


There was a cool smile on the corner of her lips, a sad scar appeared on Feng Qingyang's delicate and beautiful cheek, her white and slender fingers dropped, and the iPhone in her hand almost fell off.

Xu Shaohui...

You really are a competent fiancé!
Not only did you abandon me the day before the wedding, but you also colluded with those people to frame me. Up to now, you don't even answer the phone? !Xu Shaohui, why did I fall in love with you blindly before? !
Looking at the solemn night, Feng Qingyang's heart continued to feel heavy. In the intertwined emotions of heartache, anger and regret, Feng Qingyang only felt a lump of stasis in his chest.

If she hadn't bit her lower lip tightly, blood would have spewed out of her mouth.It's just that even if she tried her best to control her emotions, blood still overflowed from the corner of her lips.

Sour, bitter tears fell involuntarily.

Closing her eyes, she once again felt the malice in this world.

Was she born an unlucky person?Otherwise, in the past ten years, after her parents, sister-in-law, and those who cared about her had accidents, now even she was hit by life, and she was completely knocked out of the dust when she was a "Jade Girl Star". Not a single ounce of affection was left behind!
She is going out now, after seeing her, everyone will no longer say that she is a young lady from the Feng family, a noble daughter from a famous family, nor that she is a newly promoted queen, a star girl, but a scheming girl with the taint of "derailment" !
Heh, the scheming girl with the "cheating door" stain?
Feng Qingru, you really gave me a huge wedding gift!

Opening her eyes again, Feng Qingyang's once bright pupils became dimmed. Looking at the river in the distance, she felt an urge to commit suicide by jumping into the river to escape.

Perhaps, by doing so, he would completely leave this malicious world.

Maybe, because of his ten-year relationship with him, he will take more care of his sister?

Thinking of her younger sister, Feng Qingyang's heart twitched again. Although she was worried about that lively and cheerful younger sister, now, facing this dark world, she really couldn't find the motivation to live.

Little sister, Feng Qingluan, you will forgive me, right?

Reaching out to touch the raindrops that fell on her body, Feng Qingyang felt the fragility of raindrops for the first time.Although she is strong in disguise, she is still fragile at the touch of a touch, right?

The iPhone fell, and Feng Qingyang seemed to see her parents who had passed away a long time ago, and they were waiting for her at the other end of the river.

When a dignified, stern, deep and domineering man came to the river, he stepped outside the door in a hurry, and the mother's voice was loud: "Hurry up, little girls, the second young lady and the madam have been delayed from entering the palace, I think What are you going to do!"

The little Su Muyue was sitting on the dressing table, letting the maids dress up, and suddenly saw the palace gown brought in by the maid, she raised her head and said to the people beside her, "Mother, it's Yueyue's favorite blue dress." !"

Ye Wuqin looked at Mu Yue who was smiling happily and said softly: "That's right, last time my mother and Mu Yue went to the palace, didn't Mu Yue say that she likes the color of aunt's clothes the most, so aunt ordered, give us Xiao Muyue also made a set of light blue palace gowns, shall we wear them to meet my aunt this time?"

"Okay, Mu Yue likes aunt the most!" shaking her leg.

Ye Wuqin asked the girls to open up the clothes, and then personally put on the clothes for Xiao Muyue who had just dressed up.The light blue gauze skirt was embroidered with a few flowers to decorate the surface, and it was worn on Xiao Muyue's body, and it floated behind her after a few steps, and with the white shawl floating in it, it was even more beautiful.

"Okay, Muyue, we should go, otherwise we have to wait for my aunt, wouldn't it be a joke?"

Mu Yue quickly ran forward to hold Ye Wuqin's hand: "Then let's go quickly" walked through the backyard and front hall to the carriage, "Uncle Zhang must drive the carriage faster, otherwise Auntie will have to wait in a hurry, Mu Yue will It was laughed at by people."

Lao Zhang just smiled and said: "The old slave should try to be as fast as possible to ensure the safety of the madam and the young lady, so that the young lady and the madam can sit still."

Mu Yue was happy when she got the affirmation, "Thank you, Uncle Zhang, mother, let's get in the carriage."

Ye Wuqin walked into the carriage first, and then her girl Wen'er carried Xiao Muyue who was under the carriage up from the steps.A group of people walked towards the palace like this.

Mu Yue sat in the carriage obediently until the carriage could no longer go, then got off the carriage, and

The palace people brought it to Zhaoxiu Palace.

"Second Miss, Second Miss, it's time for dinner."

Su Muyue slowly opened her eyes, sighed and said, "Ke Er, what time is it? How long have I been asleep?"

After setting up the dinner, Ke Er helped Su Muyue up and said, "It's been an hour."

"Oh, so, no wonder." He smiled wryly.

"Miss is dreaming again."

"Yes, when I come back here, using familiar things and breathing the same smell of air, I will always dream about the scene of entering the palace when I was seven years old, so detailed that I don't even want to face it."

Su Muyue's eyes became more and more empty and confused, she was recalling, recalling the three hours of that day that year.

Su Muyue remembered that it was the time when she arrived at the gate of Zhaoxiu Palace. She stood outside the gate and said to Ye Wuqin: "Mother, Muyue has to wait for Yuzi, let sister Wen'er accompany Muyue, okay? Look at Auntie, Muyue will be here soon, okay?" Little Muyue pouted.Very cute Ye Wuqin couldn't bear to refuse and agreed.

"Then Muyue and Wen'er are waiting. Muyue will leave the palace with her mother in the afternoon. Don't delay for too long, do you understand?"

"Muyue knows, mother go in and accompany auntie." Little Muyue smiled at Ye Wuqin, Ye Wuqin couldn't say anything, she could only walk in, looking at Su Muyue's small back, feeling reluctant to part with her.

"Sister Wen'er, how long do you think we have to wait? You see, he always asks me to wait." Xiao Muyue raised her mouth.

"The little girl Muyue is talking about me again, but it's just that the concubine mother said a few more words. Besides, didn't I go to prepare something for you?"

Seeing the boy walking from the left, Xiao Muyue turned around and walked in the door, "You are the slowest, why don't you go faster?"

Wei Ziyu immediately caught up and walked beside Mu Yue.

(End of this chapter)

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