Chapter 514

"What have you prepared?" Mu Yue asked curiously.

Wei Ziyu was just taken aback for a moment, and then immediately came back to his senses, "After a while, you'll know after a while."

"Well, I believe you."

After entering the Zhaoxiu Palace, Mu Yue and Wei Ziyu bowed together, Ye Tongqin said with a smile: "I remember I haven't seen my Yue'er for a long time, and Ziyu, Wen'er, and Qi Xi, let's take them down to play for a while. I haven't seen my sister for a long time, and I want to chat, how does Yue'er feel?" Turning around, she asked Yue'er again.

"Okay, Yue'er went to play with Yuzi, and Mu Yue retired first."

Su Muyue only remembered hearing the words "Send Muyue out of the city" and "Ziyu is ready, don't worry" after closing the door.

Wei Ziyu took Xiao Muyue and walked quickly, "Let's go to the garden, let's go."

"Yuzi, you are too fast, slow down, I will fall if I step on the skirt."

Wei Ziyu didn't have time to say anything, and saw a group of people walking on the other side waiting, secretly screaming in his heart, "Let's go, let's go to the other side." Before Mu Yue could react, he had already forced Mu Yue to run , vaguely heard a voice from behind, that voice said "Yue'er, don't run away." At that time, she didn't know who that voice was.

Wei Ziyu took her to the place where the carriage was parked in the palace, and Mu Yue, who didn't know why, asked, "Why do we go out, mother is still inside, wait for mother."

"It's too late, get on the carriage quickly, Uncle Zhang, and carry Mu Yue up."

After Su Muyue went up, he also jumped into the carriage and asked Uncle Zhang to rush outside the palace until he reached the outermost palace gate.The carriage stopped at a high speed, and Mu Yue jumped off.

"When will mother come? Mu Yue misses her." Mu Yue said aggrievedly.

"Twilight Moon!"

Only a loud sound was heard, Ye Wuqin had already rushed towards her, Ye Wuqin ran to the car window, took Mu Yue's hand and stroked it a few times, "Mu Yue is going to go out in the future, mother has already given Mu Yue's favorite things, etc. Everything is ready, Muyue don't think about it here." Ye Wuqin touched Su Muyue's small face.

Then let her go quickly, and said to Uncle Zhang, "Go!"

The carriage ran again, and Su Muyue opened the curtain that blocked the window, only to see a mother running again, but she had no strength, so she was caught by the man behind. Soldiers in military uniform.The man in the head looked at his mother's eyes, and the mother's expression slowly looked at him.

"I remembered again, Su Muyue."

Su Muyue, who was sitting on the stool, looked towards the door.

"Wei Ziyu, you are here again. Are you not bothered?"

"Don't bother, it will be more than three months after you come back, are you still getting used to it? Tong Niang asked me to bring a letter, and you will burn it after reading it."

"I know." Su Muyue looked expressionless.

"Su Muyue."


"You will be fourteen in ten days, go see Tong Niang, she misses you very much."

"Let's talk. Is it enough? Let's go."

Wei Ziyu, who was always smiling, lowered his face, "Su Muyue, there are things you want to know, Tongniang will tell you together."

Su Muyue's movement of raising her eyelids was noticed by Wei Ziyu.

"Tomorrow, I will make you forget that day six years ago." Then she turned and walked out, Su Muyue behind her glanced at the food on the table, took a few mouthfuls before letting Ke Er take it away, and then lay back on the bed. "What's your name?" Mu Lanxi asked unwillingly.Although Mu Lanxi knew that this girl was his elder sister, he thought it was fun.

"Oh? Handsome guy, I know I'm beautiful, but you don't need to strike up a conversation like this~" Mu Shengyue raised her head, put her lips next to Mu Lanxi's ear, her red lips lifted slightly, and her warm breath sprayed on Mu Lanxi Ear, the poor baby blushed instantly.

Mo Shaoqi was so angry!I can't wait to beat Mu Lanxi up. "Cough cough" Mo Xiaoya made an inappropriate sound.

"Go to the doctor for a sick throat." Mu Shengyue curled her lips and said displeased.

"Sister Yue'er, are you going to have fun tonight?" Mo Xiaoya showed Mu Shengyue the information on her phone.

"OK" Mu Shengyue nodded indifferently, and continued to draw.

"Who are you?" Xi Mojie came to the other two.

"Mu Lanxi." Mu Lanxi couldn't wait to give Mu Shengyue a hug.

"Mo Shaoqi..." Mo Shaoqi's eyes never left Mu Shengyue's body.

"Oh~ don't tell the news about Mu Yaonu in the classroom." Xi Mojie didn't react much after hearing the name, because they agreed to 'act'.

"Sister, you don't remember me?" Mu Lanxi looked at Mu Shengyue in disbelief.

"Are you sick?" Mu Shengyue didn't give him a look.

"Sister, my dear sister, I am your younger brother Mu Lanxi!" Mu Lanxi was about to cry.

"Who is your sister? The word sister doesn't fit me, she's still called Mu Yaonv." Mu Shengyue acted flawlessly.

"How is it possible?" Mu Lanxi took a few steps back.

"It's okay, get out." Mu Shengyue waved her hand. "Wow!" Mu Lanxi burst into tears.

"Haha! Emma, ​​I laughed so hard. A big boy cries all the time. What have you learned in the past few years? Baskets!" Mo Xiaoya immediately laughed when she received Mu Shengyue's gaze.

"So you're playing tricks on me." Mu Lanxi immediately realized when she heard Mo Xiaoya call her nickname.

"Of course!" Xi Mojie sat on a chair beside him.

"Brother Qi, they bullied me." Mu Lan hoped to Mo Shaoqi.

"It deserves it." Mo Shaoqi regretted it very much, why did he have a stupid follower?
"You guys!" Mu Lanxi threw herself into Mu Shengyue's arms without saying a word.Mo Shaoqi stared at him.

"When did you come back?" Mu Shengyue was still angry, so she chose to ignore Mo Shaoqi.

"Sister, why are you putting on makeup?" Mu Lanxi skipped that topic.

"Get up, I'm going to the bathroom." Mu Shengyue didn't answer.

Among them, only Mo Shaoqi followed her.

"Xiao Yue'er, why are you putting on makeup?" Mo Shaoqi tugged at Mu Shengyue's long hair.

"Ah! It hurts" Mu Shengyue cried out in pain.Mo Shaoqi let go immediately.

"You're crazy!" Seeing that Mo Shaoqi let go, Mu Shengyue yelled, "You're cheap."

"Xiaoyue'er angry?" Mo Shaoqi put his hand on Mu Shengyue's shoulder.

"Why am I angry?" Mu Shengyue's eyes were erratic.

"Qi didn't take you abroad three years ago." Mo Shaoqi's voice was a little playful.

"Cut, I don't care too much! I went to France with Mo Jie, Mo Xue, Jin Feng, and Xiao Ya!" Mu Shengyue pushed Mo Shaoqi away.

The disappointment in Mo Shaoqi's eyes flashed across. "Oh~ why are you wearing such a coquettish makeup?"

"I like it, don't you? Get out, I need to go to the bathroom!" Mu Shengyue was actually still angry, so she had a bad attitude towards Mo Shaoqi.

Mo Shaoqi couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when he saw the back of her going there.

(End of this chapter)

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