Chapter 173 It's Not Your Turn To Teach You (26)

Lin Xi didn't tear herself apart, this Gu Nianchu might burn herself down.

Wangcai felt how sad he was now, looked at Gu Nianchu, and waited for the verdict of fate.

But who would have thought that Gu Nianchu directly bypassed Wangcai and walked in front of Lin Xi.

Wangcai was slightly taken aback, this Gu Nianchu didn't seem to see it... But how to explain what happened yesterday afternoon.

I hid it so well yesterday afternoon, but was discovered by Gu Nianchu. Today it fell from Gu Nianchu's side, but Gu Nianchu bypassed him.

For Wangcai, this kind of thing is more gratifying than winning the lottery. It looked at Gu Nianchu excitedly, then quietly got up from the ground and flew up.

Those layers of clothes can not only block Wangcai's figure, but also allow Wangcai to see clearly what's going on outside.

It saw that Gu Nianchu walked up to Lin Xi and murmured, "I thought something happened to you."

Gu Nianchu sighed lightly, with uncontrollable concern in his tone.

He knew that the person Lin Xi liked was Mo Liunian, but he couldn't help but want to be nice to Lin Xi.

Can't help but pay for Lin Xi.

Because his feelings for Lin Xi are no longer liking, but love.

He loves her just like she loves Mo Liunian.

Wangcai suddenly closed his eyes, turned around, and tried his best not to listen to what Gu Nianchu said.

This Gu Nianchu, this ice-cold face, actually likes its owner - Lin Xi!
Terrible, this news is really terrible for Wangcai's tolerance.

Lin Xi groaned softly, as if she felt someone was beside her.

But she didn't open her eyes, she just called Wangcai in a daze in her heart: "Wangcai, who is by my side."

Wangcai shuddered suddenly, unexpectedly Lin Xi woke up at this time.

This time, Wangcai paused for a long time, and then said awkwardly: "Mo Liunian, he just checked to see if you are awake."

Wangcai understood that Gu Nianchu had a crush on Lin Xi, so he must not tell Lin Xi, as soon as he told Lin Xi, it would be over.

After hearing Wangcai's words, Lin Xi didn't know whether she believed it or not, so she nodded: "Wangcai, what time is it?"

Wangcai glanced at a clock on the wall: "It's almost three o'clock, you sleep a little longer, I'll call you when it's time."

Today's Wangcai is very caring.

Lin Xi thought in her heart, then closed her eyes, and continued to sleep.

When Gu Nianchu saw Lin Xi nodding, he thought Lin Xi was about to wake up, and was so scared that he wanted to hide.

Next, seeing the satisfied smile on Lin Xi's face, Gu Nianchu also held back the corners of his lips.

Can't stay here much.Gu Nianchu was very clear, took one last look at Lin Xi, and left.

Wangcai let out a long breath when he saw Lin Xi leave. In fact, it was already past three o'clock. In order to protect Gu Nianchu, he even lied for the first time in his life.

Alas... Wangcai sighed, realizing that Lin Xi hadn't woken up yet.

"Lin Xi, Lin Xi, wake up!" Wang Cai said, calling Lin Xi frantically in his heart.

Lin Xi frowned, this Wangcai was a bit noisy, didn't he say it was almost three o'clock.

After a few minutes, I started calling myself.

"So fast?" Lin Xi thought uncertainly, but still opened her eyes.

The first thing you do when you open your eyes is look at your watch.

Sure enough, it's past three o'clock!

Lin Xi sighed, looked at An Sishui who hadn't woken up yet, and called her.

(End of this chapter)

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