Chapter 174 I Agree You Moved Her? (1)

An Sishui woke up startled, looked at Lin Xi, and said with a hoarse voice, "Lin Xi, what's wrong?"

"Let's go, little lazy pig, Mo Liunian is filming today." Lin Xi smiled and reminded An Sishui.

An Sishui's eyes lit up, star-like eyes twinkling in his eyes: "I'm also a little fan of the film emperor Mo, I must pass this rare opportunity."

Lin Xi knew that An Sishui was also a fan of Emperor Mo, and what she said was really correct...

"Then hurry up!" Lin Xi joked with An Sishui, and asked Shang Wangcai to go with him.
In midsummer, although it is three o'clock, the weather is still very hot.The heat factor in the air is unbearable at all.

Lin Xi had a hard time imagining how those actors, under such circumstances, wore thick ancient costumes and performed a play.

Sure enough, when Lin Xi actually arrived at the shooting location, when Lin Xi saw so many handsome men and women wearing cumbersome and heavy ancient costumes, he felt the heat for them.

At a glance, Lin Xi saw Mo Liunian in a sea blue robe.

He sat aside and read the script quietly for a while, as if he was still reciting the lines.

He had a wig on his hair, a long wig, coiled up.

The sea blue robe made his face more and more perfect, almost flawless.

Moreover, this robe is the same as Mo Liunian's sea-like eyes.

Mo Liunian puts on an ancient costume with a distinctive charm.

In the scorching weather, Mo Liunian did not sit next to the fan like everyone else, but read the script by himself.

Hold back the heat...

Mo Liunian's success as a movie star really didn't depend on his looks.

Lin Xi couldn't help sighing in her heart, looking at Mo Liunian, her mind was full of thoughts.

But at this moment, she didn't notice at all that behind her, Gu Nianchu stood there quietly, looking at her without saying a word.

Soon, Director Wang appeared, organized the stars at the scene, and asked them to do what they should do and what they should do.

Mo Liunian's makeup is the best, just need to fill in some almost invisible small blemishes.

Therefore, Mo Liunian was the first to put on makeup.

Standing in the sun, Lin Xi looked at Mo Liunian after putting on her makeup, then read the script again, and couldn't help sighing in her heart.

At this time, Lin Xi left suddenly, went to the side to get a bottle of mineral water that had just been taken out of the refrigerator, and handed it to Mo Liunian.

"Mo Yingdi, drink some water." Lin Xi's melodious voice sounded, even if Mo Liunian didn't look up, he knew who the owner of this voice was.

Mo Liunian, who was reading the script with his head down, couldn't help but twitched his mouth, and raised his head again, no smile on his face anymore.

"Thank you. Lin Xi, your assistant is doing a good job." Mo Liunian couldn't help but joked.

Then, Mo Liunian took out his mobile phone and handed it to Lin Xi: "There is no password, call Wenxin and ask her to come to the set to find me after booking a room."

After hearing what Mo Liunian said, Lin Xi nodded, walked to the side, turned on the phone, and called Wen Xin.

As soon as the phone was dialed, I heard a warm voice: "Master Mo, you busy man finally think of me. Don't worry, your conscientious manager is on his way, and he will appear on your phone in just 10 minutes." It's here!"

Hearing Wen Xin say this on her own, Lin Xi already guessed that Mo Liunian had a good relationship with his manager.

(End of this chapter)

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