Chapter 189 I Agree You Moved Her? (17)

Lin Xi didn't think too much, and didn't go into why Ye Qingqing called her.She could clearly see the relationship between Ye Qingqing and Gu Nianchu...

It is an opportunity to send Gu Nianchu back, if she is Ye Qingqing, she will definitely put down what she is doing and send Gu Nianchu back.

Even if she doesn't bring it back in person, she won't let another woman pick up Gu Nianchu.

It's just these, Lin Xi didn't think much, quickly took her things and walked out.

When he got outside, Mo Liunian was already waiting there.Seeing Lin Xi, a trace of tenderness flashed across her beautiful eyes.

Lin Xi's heart softened, and she was a little embarrassed to ask Mo Liunian to send her there: "Liu Nian, I'm really sorry to bother you at such a late hour."

I don't know if it was Lin Xi's illusion, but what the man said next made Lin Xi feel a little sour: "It's okay, I'm going to pick up Gu Nianchu with you anyway."

After finishing speaking, Mo Liunian smiled slightly at Lin Xi, but that smile concealed too much.

Lin Xi was even more embarrassed, but kept telling Mo Liunian that she was sorry.
It happened that at that time, An Sishui wanted to come to Lin Xi to ask about the shutdown of her phone this morning, but when she opened the door of her room, she saw a scene that she would never believe in her life.

Outside Lin Xi's door, Mo Liunian stood there with a gentle face, Lin Xi kept bowing her head in embarrassment, apologizing to Mo Liunian.

Like a young couple in love, having a tantrum at night.

Seeing this scene, what An Sishui wanted to ask was thrown out of the blue.

She looked at the two people, and she didn't know what kind of psychology drove An Shishui to take out her mobile phone, and took a picture of the scene of the two of them.

Perhaps because of the angle, the photos taken on the mobile phone look unusually ambiguous.It's really like a couple, having a little temper, but still amicable and beautiful.

An Sishui retreated into the room, staring at the photo on her phone.

She didn't blink her eyes, and after a while, her eyes were already sore.

An Sishui rubbed her eyes, but without thinking, she shed a series of tears.

A tear fell, and a series of tears couldn't stay in the eye sockets, and fell one after another.

She never dreamed that one day, An Sishui would see such a scene in public.
"Okay, Lin Xi, let's go over quickly, so that Ye Qingqing won't be annoyed by waiting." Mo Liunian looked at Lin Xi who had been carefully apologizing to himself, his heart softened slightly, and he said.

Lin Xi raised her head, met Mo Liunian's gentle water-like eyes, and smiled.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them went down the stairs together. Mo Liunian didn't call the driver, but drove the car by himself to the place Ye Qingqing had mentioned.

Sometimes Mo Liunian is really glad that he has always appeared in front of the public with a gentle and elegant appearance, so that he can look at the person he wants to protect most with gentle eyes every moment.

It was dark and the road was full of lights.

Mo Liunian drove the car, and soon reached the road Ye Qingqing had mentioned.

When we got there, we saw a car parked on the side of the road.

Lin Xi looked at the license plate.I'm sure this is Ye Qingqing's car.

Mo Liunian parked the car behind Ye Qingqing's car and let Lin Xi get out of the car.

(End of this chapter)

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