Chapter 190 I Agree You Moved Her? (18)

Lin Xi walked to Ye Qingqing's car, knocked on the driver's window, and soon the window came down, revealing a delicate face.

It was Ye Qingqing, but at this moment, she was frowning, glanced at Lin Xi, and forced a smile.

"Lin Xi, Gu Nianchu is drunk, I really need to trouble you to take him back." Ye Qingqing said, then got out of the car, opened the back seat door, and pointed to the unconscious Gu Nianchu lying inside.

Lin Xi looked at Gu Nianchu who was very drunk, and felt a little bit like laughing. The usually cold and powerful Gu Nianchu fell asleep like an ordinary drunk.

"Why is he drunk?" Lin Xi said with a hint of a smile, she looked at Ye Qingqing, seemed to have forgotten all the unpleasantness, and asked.

When Ye Qingqing heard this, she didn't know how to answer, and she didn't hesitate to answer for a long time.

Lin Xi didn't delve into it either, but just carried Gu Nianchu out of the car with Ye Qingqing.

"Miss Ye, if there is nothing else, I will take Gu Nianchu away first?" Lin Xi followed Gu Nianchu, looked at Ye Qingqing and asked.

A trace of reluctance flashed in Ye Qingqing's eyes, then she glanced at Lin Xi helplessly and nodded, "Well, let's go back, I still have some things to deal with."

After speaking, Ye Qingqing got into the car, finally smiled at Lin Xi, and drove away quickly.

After Ye Qingqing left, Mo Liunian got out of the car and shared Gu Nianchu's weight for Lin Xi.

The two of them worked together to get Gu Nianchu to the back seat, and Lin Xi also sat in the passenger seat.

Lin Xi took a long breath, she thought that Ye Qingqing had some conspiracy, but she didn't expect that this time she really sent Gu Nianchu back.

Lin Xi rubbed her eyes, looked at Gu Nianchu in the back seat, and couldn't help but smile.

Why is this man so attractive when he is drunk?

Without the usual indifferent aura, the whole face is no longer that repulsive look.

On the contrary, it may be because he drank a little wine, his face was slightly rosy, or it may be because he drank too much wine and felt a little uncomfortable, his eyebrows frowned slightly.

Looking at his slightly frowning eyebrows, Lin Xi suddenly had a feeling of wanting to smooth his eyebrows.


Mo Liunian saw that Lin Xi had been staring at Gu Nianchu since he got in the car, and couldn't help feeling a little sore in his heart.

He was about to say something, but Lin Xi spoke first.

"Liu Nian, please stop by the convenience store in front, I'll do some shopping." Lin Xi turned around and pointed to the small supermarket in front.

Subconsciously, Mo Liunian always felt that he was being ordered by Lin Xi as a driver today.

But he has already sent Lin Xi out, Lin Xi's request, what he can do, he still does it one by one.

The car started driving and stopped at the entrance of the convenience store.

Lin Xi got off the passenger seat and walked to the convenience store.

Mo Liunian looked at the back of the person walking towards the supermarket, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

He touched the pack of cigarettes in the car that he never touched, took out one, and lit it.

Because Mo Liunian was in a bad mood, he took a sip, which made the smell of cigarettes in the car a bit stronger.

Only then did he put down the car window, leaning against the window, smoking a cigarette.

Mo Liunian's handsome face was looming in the lingering smoke, outlining his outline, making him even more charming.

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(End of this chapter)

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