Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 300 Give her a whole piece of sea, wish her a happy birthday

Chapter 300 Give her a whole piece of sea, wish her a happy birthday (5)

Mo Liunian touched the face that was almost stopped by Gu Nianchu, and looked thoughtfully at the direction Gu Nianchu left.How many times did he raise his hand to hit him, but how many times did he succeed?
Only twice!

Mo Liunian smiled bitterly. He was wrong from the beginning, and he has always been a wrong existence.

If they were divided into good guys and bad guys, then he, Mo Liunian, undoubtedly belonged to the bad guys!

He is not a good person, it can even be said that he is a thoroughly bad person who can do many things for his own benefit and selfishness.

He'd always thought about himself... No, later on, he'd thought about another girl.

Mo Liunian didn't dare to think about it anymore, he blinked and smiled...

When he calmed down, there was no one in the crew.

He drove the car in despair and left alone.
Gu Nianchu who left felt very uncomfortable.

He heard that Lin Xi had come to the film crew, so he was afraid that Ye Qingqing would make Lin Xi difficult, and Lin Xi's younger sister, Lin Siran, would make things difficult for Lin Xi.

He was afraid that Lin Xi would suffer, so he hastily left the work in hand and rushed over.

Then when he got to the set, he asked around where Lin Xi was.

In the end, knowing that Lin Xi was fine, she went to another room with Mo Liunian.

When Gu Nianchu heard this, he couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and quickly ran to the room that the work relationship said.

In fact, he had already come, but seeing Mo Liunian and Lin Xi having a good time inside, he stood outside the door and watched, 1 did not go in.

At that time, the smile on Lin Xi's face was not concealed. It may be the most genuine and happiest smile on her face in the past few days!

All of a sudden, Gu Nianchu was stunned, and he didn't know how to look at it twice.

This girl, who has been attached to her since she was a child, is having fun with another man at the moment.

The smile on her face had never been shown in front of him!
Lin Xi has always been restrained, in front of him, she has never been the most real Lin Xi.

In front of him, that Lin Xi is always Lin's special assistant with super ability and strong will.

Later, his heart throbbed with pain, and he didn't dare to look at the two people inside.

However, he heard the conversation between the two, and finally, curiosity prompted him to turn his head, and all of a sudden, he saw Mo Liunian holding Lin Xi's wrist.

However, Lin Xi did not break free.

He also vaguely saw the faint smile on Lin Xi's face.

At that moment, all the defenses in Gu Nianchu's heart disappeared.

He stared at the two people inside without any movement.

The girl he likes is flirting with another girl right now?
Ah!How ridiculous!

A self-deprecating smile curled up on the corner of Gu Nianchu's mouth, but his eyes still couldn't move away from the two of them.

Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore, calmed down his emotions, tried to use his calmest tone, pushed open the door, walked in, and called their names.

In fact, he had already figured it out.If these two people were in love with each other and sincerely loved each other, Gu Nianchu would definitely not get involved.

He has never been such a sentimental person!
He thinks like this every time, but when he sees those two people, he forgets all the words in his heart.

Yes!He is good to Lin Xi, dotes on Lin Xi, and Lin Xi likes Mo Liunian, is there any conflict?

absolutely not!

(End of this chapter)

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