Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 301 Give her a whole piece of sea, wish her a happy birthday

Chapter 301 Give her a whole piece of sea, wish her a happy birthday (6)

It was Gu Nianchu's hypnosis again and again, and finally, Gu Nianchu began to treat Lin Xi in a serious manner.

Even when he took the initiative to ask Lin Xi what he liked, he felt that what he asked was justified and it was no big deal.

Gu Nianchu sat in the car, opened the window, and looked outside.Then, he took out a cigarette and lit it slowly.

Gu Nianchu stared outside, the lit cigarette slowly emitted a pungent smell.

Gu Nianchu frowned, then put the cigarette near his mouth, and took a deep puff.Nicotine is like lungs, making Gu Nianchu feel a little uncomfortable.

His brow frowned even harder.

"Lin Xi..." Gu Nianchu said in embarrassment, his voice was a little hoarse.Because he had just smoked a cigarette, his voice was not as magnetic as usual.

Shouting these two words, Gu Nianchu seemed to be calling out the most beautiful name in the world, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Then, closing his eyes, he took another drag on his cigarette.

A beautiful eye circle spit out from his mouth.Gu Nianchu's face was surrounded by smoke, and he closed his eyes without saying a word.

After an unknown amount of time, Gu Nianchu felt as if he had fallen asleep.

It's just that when he woke up, he found that the lit cigarette was about to burn his fingers.

Gu Nianchu frowned, threw the cigarette into the trash can outside, and then returned to the car.

He turned on the phone, only to realize that at some point, he had turned the phone to silent. Zhang Wen had called him a lot just now.

Gu Nianchu frowned, he had clearly explained to Zhang Wen.

Although, before he ran over, he was having a video conference with the company in the hotel.

Then, Gu Nianchu took the mobile phone and called Zhang Wen.

"Hello?" Gu Nianchu said slowly when the phone was connected.Elegant without losing the atmosphere.

"Mr. Gu, maybe you have to go back to the company now." Zhang Wen spoke slowly, trying not to offend Gu Nianchu.

However, despite saying this, Gu Nianchu still frowned.

"Now? Is there anything that can't be solved by video?" Gu Nianchu was a little annoyed, and his tone was a bit heavy.

Zhang Wen paused, Gu Nianchu used to go out, so it would be nice to have a few words of guidance with Zhang Wen.

What's more, Gu Nianchu is on the outskirts of this city this time, not far away at all.

Gu Nianchu's willingness to video conference is already very good.

Because Zhang Wen knew very well that Gu Nianchu had more than one company under Gu's company.

So only Zhang Wen knew how busy Gu Nianchu was.

"Mr. Gu, Mr. Gu, Mr. Gu, and Mrs. Gu are here." Zhang Wen hesitated for a moment, and said slowly.

When Gu Nianchu heard the names of these three people, his hand holding the mobile phone stopped for a long time, but he didn't make a sound.

Zhang Wen couldn't hear Gu Nianchu's answer for a long time, she frowned: "Mr. Gu, are you still there?"

A bit of bitterness spread from the corner of Gu Nianchu's mouth, and then he said, "Zhang Wen, I'm here. Just wait, I'll go back today. Take good care of the three of them."

"Okay, Mr. Gu." Zhang Wen said with a smile, and finally Gu Nianchu hung up the phone.

In this family, the last thing Gu Nianchu wanted to see was his father and mother.

These two people know how to quarrel every day!Ever since she was a child, she has never paid attention to Gu Nianchu's study and growth.

There was even one time when they quarreled and made Gu Nianchu not to go to school, and even asked Gu Nianchu to say who was at fault in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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