Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 315 Give her a whole piece of sea, wish her a happy birthday

Chapter 315 Give her a whole piece of sea, wish her a happy birthday (21)

Terrified, Lin Xi stared at the screen tightly——

Black, endless black, only the wind, not even Gu Nianchu's voice.

Lin Xi panicked, what was Gu Nianchu's voice just now?Did Gu Nianchu fall down?

Lin Xi was scared, and shouted at the phone: "Gu Nianchu, don't do this! You scared me, I know you're still there!"

The next moment, the scene in the video has changed.

It turned out that Gu Nianchu quickly set up the parachute, fixed the phone, and jumped off on purpose.

He just wanted to make Lin Xi worry for a while, then he straightened his body and opened the parachute.

This parachute is very ordinary, but there is only one thing that is different.

It is the words on this umbrella.

The bright lights formed a series of words: "Happy birthday to Lin Xi."

"These are all my own words, do they look good?" Gu Nianchu asked with a smile, looking at the frightened Lin Xi on the other side of the screen.

Lin Xi bit her lip, and finally realized that Gu Nianchu was teasing herself.

"It's nice, but you went too far this time. I want to turn off the video screen!" Lin Xi gritted her teeth and looked at Gu Nianchu who was smiling happily.

"Grandma, don't!" Gu Nianchu thought that Lin Xi was really close, so he hurriedly said.

Lin Xi smiled, looking at Gu Nianchu's appearance, the corners of her mouth twitched: "Gu Nianchu, you are suitable for laughing."

Gu Nianchu didn't speak, but his smile got bigger again.

The floor is not very high, and it takes less than a minute to land on the ground.

When Gu Nianchu landed and stood completely still, he tidied up the parachute, somehow fiddled with it, and turned the parachute into a Kongming lantern.

As if by magic, he put the Kongming Lantern in the sky.

Looking at the big characters floating in the dark sky, Lin Xi felt satisfied for a while.

"Lin Xi, are you sleepy?" Gu Nianchu asked softly.

Lin Xi shook her head, looking at the sky lantern that was flying higher and higher.

"Okay, I'm going to the beach now, wait for me." Gu Nianchu said slowly, walked to the company's parking place, found his car, and drove out.

Gu Nianchu didn't turn off the video, Lin Xi watched Gu Nianchu drive all the way to the beach.

On the way here, Gu Nianchu had already contacted someone with another mobile phone, so when he got here, everything was ready.

"Lin Xi, I'll turn off the camera first, and I'll give you a surprise." Gu Nianchu said softly.

He is now standing by the sea, the salty sea breeze is blowing, Gu Nianchu is slightly cool.

He looked at the sea in front of him, the corners of his mouth raised.

He gestured to the staff with his eyes, and quickly added the big characters he asked to add.So the staff started to add words as soon as possible according to Nianchu's request.

After about 5 minutes, Gu Nianchu was afraid that Lin Xi would fall asleep, so he started chatting with her: "Lin Xi, do you like the sea very much?"

Facing Gu Nianchu's question, Lin Xi nodded and hummed lightly.

What Gu Nianchu hates the most is the sea, but Lin Xi likes it!

"Why do you like the sea?" Gu Nianchu asked as if chatting.

Then, the screen fell silent, and Lin Xi stopped talking.

"What's wrong?" Gu Nianchu thought that something was wrong with Lin Xi, and asked quickly.

Lin Xi hesitated for a moment, and slowly uttered eight words: "There is a dream in the sea, and there is him in the dream."

Before Gu Nianchu had time to think about the eight characters, the staff had already arranged some.

(End of this chapter)

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