Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 316 Give her a whole piece of sea, wish her a happy birthday

Chapter 316 Give her a whole piece of sea, wish her a happy birthday (22)

"Lin Xi, I'll turn on the camera now, remember to look clearly." Gu Nianchu had already raised his phone, facing the sea in front of him.

"it is good!"

When Gu Nianchu heard the answer, he smiled and started to count down: "[-]-[-]-[-]!"

After the countdown was over, Gu Nianchu also turned on the camera, and then an unbelievable dream-like picture entered Lin Xi's eyes.

lamp!All lights!On the light blue sea, there are many light blue lights, which illuminate the entire ocean.Also, in the light, there are several large characters: "Lin Xi, happy birthday."

The lights are shining!Not only flickering in front of Lin Xi's eyes, but also flickering in Lin Xi's whole world.What could be more exciting than going through tonight?

First, it was Gu Nianchu who said "jump off the building" on the parachute, and then Gu Nianchu turned on the camera all the way, leading her to see the lights on the seashore.

What's more ingenious is that the lights are integrated with the sea, especially in the dark, which makes people feel as if the sea is shining.

Gu Nianchu switched the camera over and paused for a while, just for Lin Xi to appreciate it.

After waiting for a few minutes, Gu Nianchu smiled: "Lin Xi, happy birthday."

Lin Xi paused for a long time, and seemed to wake up from the surprise.

She looked at Gu Nianchu under the camera, and then at the sea behind him.

"Gu Nianchu, thank you." Lin Xi's eyes were slightly moist, and her voice was slightly hoarse when she spoke.

"I really didn't expect to see such a scene today. To be honest, before this, I was quite worried about you... Although that day—forget it, I thought you had something to do and left. I thought, you I won't come back again." Lin Xi spoke, revealing her heart.

This passage of hers made Gu Nianchu extremely excited.

Gu Nianchu almost revealed the secret that he had kept for more than [-] years: Lin Xi, I like you, more than yourself.

He didn't dare to say it, he was afraid that once he said it, he and Lin Xi wouldn't even be friends anymore.

After all, how many people know that Lin Xi loves Mo Liunian so much, he loves him to the extreme, to the point of madness.

Lin Xi paused, as if waiting for Gu Nianchu to say something.But Gu Nianchu didn't care at all, so naturally he didn't answer.

The next moment, Lin Xi was slightly disappointed but still smiled: "Gu Nianchu, I am very happy."

At this time, Gu Nianchu came back to his senses and smiled at Lin Xi: "It's nothing, we are friends."

Well, nothing, we're friends.

In Gu Nianchu's heart, he thought they were just friends.

Friend—a polite but distant term.

And hearing this sentence, Lin Xi also paused.

correct!They are just friends, and only friends.What happened to her, Lin Xi, today, Gu Nianchu is so nice to her, so she can't help but want to stick to Gu Nianchu?
Lin Xi was slightly absent-minded, there was only one sentence in her mind right now.

"We're friends."

"Lin Xi and Gu Nianchu are friends."

"Lin Xi and Gu Nianchu are just friends."

It wasn't until the end, after Lin Xi thought about it countless times, that Gu Nianchu called her, did she really react.

At this time, Lin Xi realized that his whole body was feeling cold.

What's wrong with her?How could Gu Nianchu's emotions be so ups and downs because of Gu Nianchu's words?

Lin Xi laughed at herself, and then responded to Gu Nianchu.

(End of this chapter)

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