Chapter 366 His name, her thoughts (11)

Gu Nianchu smiled and looked at Father Ye: "I'm afraid the gun might go off. If you have any last words, tell them as soon as possible. Your daughter and your wife will remember them all!"

Gu Nianchu's temperament was extremely cold, and after saying these words, he pointed at Ye Mu and Ye Qingqing with his own gun.

Father Ye originally wanted to take this opportunity to get back the pistol, but he was a step too late for Gu Nianchu.

Father Ye knew that his head was being pointed at by a gun, and it was the first time he felt that he was so close to death.Just like what Gu Nianchu said, if the gun goes off, he won't even have the chance to confess his last words.

"Gu Nianchu, if you don't put down the gun, I won't let you associate with my daughter again." If you can't be tough, Father Ye will be soft.He looked at Mother Ye and winked at her.

He always thought that Gu Nianchu still loved Ye Qingqing.After all, everyone saw the interaction between the two of them at the beginning.

This is, he thought it was what he thought after all.

"Brains are a good thing, I hope you have one too." Gu Nianchu said indifferently, and looked at Ye Qingqing indifferently, "That's the truth. Today's dinner is for setting a wedding date, not for you to choose a son-in-law. "

After finishing speaking, Gu Nianchu took down the gun in his hand, but did not return it to Father Ye.

"China can't hold guns, Uncle, I'll save this gun for you." Gu Nianchu helped Ye's father to his position, hid the gun, and spoke to Ye's father.

At this time, Father Ye's face was already pale with fright, so he naturally had nothing to say.He didn't move or speak.Until today, he didn't know how evil Gu Nianchu was, how cold and cold-blooded he was.

"Is there still a discussion about getting married?" Gu Nianchu sat in his seat, looked at the people present, and asked indifferently.

Although he is not a king, he has the temperament of a king.

No one spoke, Gu Nianchu took it as their acquiescence.He just nodded and looked at Gu Xietian.

"Today's account, I will settle with you slowly!" Gu Nianchu glanced at the crowd again, and said again.

He took a special look at Gu Xietian and Father Ye.

After that, Gu Nianchu left the private room, completely ignoring what was going on in the private room at the moment.

He went out of the private room, remembering his conflict with Father Ye.

At that time, absolutely no one could have guessed why Father Ye wanted that piece of land.Gu Nianchu inadvertently learned that Father Ye was going to use that piece of land to build a large dance hall.

The location of that piece of land is excellent, in a bustling part of the city, there is a lack of such a dance hall.

But Father Ye's song and dance hall, on the surface, is singing and dancing, but behind the scenes, it is preparing to do those shady things.

Gu Nianchu decided at that time that no matter what the price was, this piece of land must be taken.

Therefore, from the very beginning, he had no intention of showing father Ye face. When he met him, he wanted him to stop his thoughts as soon as possible, so that Gu Nianchu could take care of his own affairs.

In other words, if Gu Nianchu hadn't insisted on buying that piece of land back then, countless college students would have disappeared for no reason.

But no one will know what he did.


Today's dinner broke up unhappy, and neither of the two families contacted anyone.

A few days later, Ye Qingqing looked for Gu Nianchu, told him that Father Ye wanted to see him, and asked him if he could come over.

At that time, Gu Nianchu was dealing with matters in the company, he had finally been free for a few days, so he didn't go to see Father Ye and Mother Ye!

(End of this chapter)

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