Chapter 367 His Fake Shows Are Real (1)

So, he told Ye Qingqing that she must politely refuse.Then, he hurried to deal with his own affairs.

Maybe it's because I overperformed at the dinner, and up to now, none of the Gu family members have come to look for him.

Therefore, he also stayed in the company leisurely and rarely went out.

But unexpectedly, Mr. Gu visited again. As soon as he came in, he pointed at Gu Nianchu with his cane and asked him, "Do you have a girl you like?"


Lin Xi hasn't had a good life these past few days. When she closes her eyes, she sees Gu Nianchu everywhere.Except for Mo Liunian talking to her from time to time, and Wen Xin and Qin Huai coming to look for her from time to time, she didn't do anything.

It's not that I don't want to, it's that I don't dare.

Because every time she does something, she can't help thinking about Gu Nianchu, where is he now?Have you encountered any difficult problems?

Of course, these few questions are rare, after all Gu Nianchu said such heartless words.

If Lin Xi still thinks about Gu Nianchu wholeheartedly, then she is cheating, asking for trouble, and abandoning her dignity.

She stayed in the hotel room like this.

"Master, master!" A discordant voice came, completely interrupting Lin Xi's daze.She frowned, raised her head, and looked around, but she didn't see Wangcai's figure.

She thought it was Wangcai who was talking to Lin Xi with her consciousness again, so she didn't plan to talk to him.

"Are you all busy?" Lin Xi asked, just communicating with Wangcai in his mind.

Wangcai's tone became much more relaxed: "Of course! You see, without me, you will struggle to do everything."

"It's rare to see you in a bad mood and so lonely."

Wang Cai said, and sighed deeply.

"See? You're back?" Lin Xi blinked violently, and looked for Wangcai indoors again.

Wangcai was still so naughty, hiding behind her head.

"Not bad! This time, I didn't even notice when I hid it!"

Lin Xi praised Wangcai, and I haven't seen him for a while, Wangcai is really powerful.

Wangcai smiled embarrassedly: "Honestly, Lin Xi, I thought you found out."

Lin Xi shook her head.

"By the way, Wangcai, did something happen to the Cheng family? How's uncle? When can I go back?"

Lin Xi asked three questions in one breath. After asking, she waited expectantly for Wangcai's answer.

Wangcai paused: "I'm sorry Lin Xi, I can only answer one question for you."

Although Lin Xi was disappointed, she still nodded.She waved her hand to signal Wangcai to continue.

"About when you can go back, I only know that the Cheng family still has a test for you. You have to know that the Cheng family has no waste. So Lin Xi, you have to be mentally prepared."

Wangcai vaccinates Lin Xi, after all, there are some things that can be said, and some things that really cannot be said.

Lin Xi nodded, and did not ask Wangcai to continue talking.

"Lin Xi, if I remember correctly, it will be your mother's memorial day soon." Wangcai said slowly, looking at Lin Xi, wondering what her attitude was.

"I know, stop talking about Wangcai." Lin Xi waved his hands and rubbed his temples.

She has a lot of things going on recently, with ups and downs and ups and downs, and she doesn't know what will happen in the Cheng family's test.

But for Wangcai's return, Lin Xi was still very happy.

 No excuses, no rush today.Just forgot to update...don't hit me.

  Well, the first three chapters were yesterday, and two chapters are owed today... Good night

(End of this chapter)

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