Chapter 378 His Fake Shows Are Real (12)

"Brother Liunian, tell me, are you with her now? Did you cheat on me?" Lin Siran pointed at Lin Xi and looked at Mo Liunian with an aggrieved look.

Mo Liunian smiled and looked at Lin Siran: "Little sister, you are wrong."

With that said, Mo Liunian walked up to Lin Xi's side, and smiled at Lin Xi.The two have a great understanding, just like a couple.

"I've always been with her." As he spoke, Mo Liunian and Lin Xi's fingers intertwined.

Lin Xi also echoed: "Yes, sister. Mo...Liu Nian and I have been together for a long time. I remember that you had an affair with me. My family Liu Nian disagrees. Are you shameless?"

Lin Xi almost called "Mo Yingdi" again, so she quickly changed her name.

Mo Liunian looked at Lin Xi with a smile, and then at Lin Siran: "Little sister, now you should not talk about whether I cheated on you, but think about whether I cheated on her?"

Both Mo Liunian and Lin Xi's words were sharp, leaving no way out for Lin Siran at all.After the two of them echoed these words, the people watching the theater all gave Lin Siran a self-inflicted look.

Lin Siran suddenly felt that he had lost face and looked at Lin Xi.How could such a good plan of mine be disrupted like this!
"But...but..." Lin Siran's face changed drastically, and he was there alone for a long time without saying a word.

"Little sister, this kind of game is not fun. You are so young, you just want to turn around as a mistress." Lin Xi smiled, and she usually would not show mercy to Lin Siran.

This younger sister is nothing more than a white lotus flower, a brainless vase.

"You..." Lin Siran stretched out a finger, pointing at Lin Xi.She was obviously a little angry, and her breathing became a little heavy.

Then, she rolled her eyes, seemed to think of something, swallowed the breath in her heart, and said pitifully: "Sister, you can't let my sister? My sister likes him too, you can't not give her face like this."

Lin Xi frowned and looked at Mo Liunian, meaning: This is a trouble you caused, you can solve it yourself, I am too lazy to deal with it.

Mo Liunian smiled wryly. He did have some personal matters when he got close to Lin Siran. He never thought that Lin Siran would take advantage of his kindness to him to blatantly hate Lin Xi.

"Miss Lin." Mo Liunian said politely. After all, he is a public figure. Fortunately, there were not many people in the hotel lobby, and no one recognized Mo Liunian.

"I think you should stop being ashamed here." Mo Liunian looked at Lin Siran with a smile, obviously his smile made people feel like a spring breeze, but now, Lin Siran felt chilled.

However, her purpose has been achieved.

But seeing Mo Liunian and Lin Xi standing together, Lin Siran still felt a piece of cotton stuck in his heart, which made him very uncomfortable.

Lin Siran took a deep breath to calm down the anger in his heart.

"Brother Liu Nian, I won't give up on you." Lin Siran threw out this sentence, and left in a hurry.


Two minutes later, Lin Xi and Mo Liunian sat down facing each other.

Mo Liunian looked at Lin Xi nervously, but Lin Xi was playing with the little coffee cup.

From the beginning to the end, there is no Mo Liunian.

Lin Xi didn't speak, and kept her breath, playing with the cup, with a playful smile on the corner of her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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