Chapter 379 His Fake Shows Are Real (13)

Finally, Lin Xi raised her head, gently put the cup on the table, and made a soft sound.

Mo Liunian was even more nervous, looking at Lin Xi.

"I only have one question." Lin Xi looked at Mo Liunian, took a deep breath, and suppressed the love in his heart.

She told herself that An Sishui also likes Mo Liunian, and the two of them are the most suitable.

"Why are you here?" Lin Xi asked, looking at Mo Liunian and waiting for her answer.

"It just so happens, Lin Xi, I want to ask you this question too." Mo Liunian smiled helplessly and looked at Lin Xi.

The two looked at each other again, and they had already sensed that something was wrong, and they said together: "An Sishui?"

"But why did she do this? And this Lin Siran..." Lin Xi analyzed calmly, looked at Mo Liunian, and then looked outside through the window.

Later, she didn't quite understand what Mo Liunian said.She only saw that from this angle, the situation outside was very clear.

She knows that this window is really transparent, the inside can see the outside, and the outside can also see the inside.

Lin Xi pursed her lips, suppressed the irrelevant thoughts in her heart, and shook her head vigorously: How could An Sishui do this?
They have been together for ten years.

Lin Xi still didn't want to believe the terrible thought in her heart.

Mo Liunian looked at Lin Xi, was slightly taken aback, and then looked at Lin Xi calmly: "Lin Xi, did you think of something?"

Mo Liunian asked, looking at Lin Xi.

Lin Xi came back to her senses, looked at Mo Liunian, was silent for two or three seconds, but shook her head.

Mo Liunian didn't speak, he knew that even if Lin Xi knew now, he wouldn't tell him.

"Lin Xi, King Mo, you are all here! I'm sorry, I have something to do just now, so you have been waiting for a long time." Just when the two fell silent, a female voice suddenly came.
The words "in operation" on the door of the emergency room finally went out, and Ji Mochen's heart also settled down, watching the doctors and nurses in white coats push Gu Nianchu out.

Gu Nianchu was fully awake during the operation, he endured the pain and asked the doctor to sew it up, without yelling out a word.

Without Ji Mochen's arrangement, the nurse directly pushed Gu Nianchu to a single room.

The doctor looked at Ji Mochen and was silent for two seconds.

Ji Mochen knew that the doctor had something to say to him.

"Mr. Ji, I have been practicing medicine for more than 20 years. I have never seen so many scars on a person, and these scars are exactly the same, as if copied one by one. There is no difference! And this is a scar, which only appeared recently. .If I'm not mistaken, these scars appeared at most five days ago." The doctor's eyes were dark, he took off the disposable mask on his face, and told Ji Mochen seriously.

Ji Mochen was stunned when he heard that.scar?Not even close?Recent?

He felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and there was some numbness from top to bottom.

Why didn't he know that Gu Nianchu had fought or been beaten recently?Where did these scars come from?

"Then, what do these scars look like?" Ji Mochen looked at the doctor with heavy eyes and asked.

The doctor shook his head and smiled helplessly: "Mr. Gu doesn't allow us to tell the specifics. What I told you is also a language that has been carefully considered for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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