Chapter 380 His Fake Shows Are Real (14)

"If you see Mr. Gu's back, you will know what it means to be frightened." The doctor said these words cheerfully, and then walked away slowly.

Ji Mochen watched the doctor disappear from his sight.

At this time, he dared to think about how much Gu Nianchu suffered in silence.

He pursed his lips and walked to Gu Nianchu's ward.

Gu Nianchu was already awake at the moment, Zhang Wen was on the side, fulfilling her duties as a nanny, serving tea and delivering water.

Gu Nianchu still looked indifferent, half leaning on the bed.Seeing Ji Mochen standing outside, his eyes fell on Ji Mochen impartially.

"What did that doctor tell you?" Gu Nianchu's eyes were cold, and his words were even colder.Although he was injured and his tone of voice was a little weak, he still couldn't stop his aura.

Ji Mochen shook his head, and with Gu Nianchu's temper, if he knew what the doctor had said to him, he might be able to stand up now, but he was looking for that doctor.

"Tell me, I won't cause trouble." Gu Nianchu seemed to have seen through Ji Mochen's mind, and promised you.

Ji Mochen glanced at Zhang Wen, as if he felt that Zhang Wen was in the way here.

Zhang Wen is considered a self-aware person, seeing Ji Mochen's eyes, she was ready to quit.

"She doesn't need to go out! Tell me." Gu Nianchu said indifferently, looking at Zhang Wen who was about to go out.

Ji Mochen opened his mouth, but still told the truth.

After he finished speaking, there was a touch of coldness in Gu Nianchu's eyes.

At this moment, even if he is lying on the bed, he still has a sickly beauty and an aura that looks down upon the world.

Even a look from him is enough to make people bow their heads.

Even though his lips were unbelievably pale, even his face was as white as a piece of paper.

"Mr. Gu..." After Zhang Wen finished listening, she couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and looked at Gu Nianchu.

At this moment, she also felt that it was a bit out of place for her to stay here.

After all, this is Gu Nianchu's family and personal affairs.

"You go back to the company first, and I'll send over all the unfinished documents." Gu Nianchu looked at Zhang Wen with a cold tone.

Then, he smiled wryly: "Remember to keep the news, it seems that I won't be able to get out of this ward in the near future."

Zhang Wen nodded and left here.

Ji Mochen watched the door quietly closed after Zhang Wen left, and then he turned his head and looked at Gu Nianchu: "It's Gu Xietian again?"

Gu Nianchu pursed her lips and nodded.

Ji Mochen also looked a little angry, his hands were clenched into fists, and he slammed down on the wall: "This beast!"

Then, he looked at Gu Nianchu: "Why didn't you fight back? Did they all use knives?"

Ji Mochen was very angry. Gu Nianchu never coaxed him, but...but when Gu Xietian and Yinya were beating him, he would rather be beaten.

Ji Mochen was very aware of these things before, and Ji Mochen was already used to punching and kicking at that time.But this time, they all used knives.

Gu Nianchu shook his head: "No, they didn't use the knife."

Seeing Gu Nianchu's steadfast look, Ji Mochen felt that Gu Nianchu was really hopeless.

"It's this time, and you're still protecting them!" Ji Mochen shouted.

Because the voice was a little high, a nurse came in outside to remind him.

 I. . .I went out for dinner temporarily tonight, and then... I didn't save the manuscript.

  Hmm... the next month will be even more busy with private affairs, so try to keep it updated.

  The student party... there are many things. . .Please forgive me.

  Then talk about owed more.

  Originally I owed five shifts, but I paid one shift yesterday, so I still owed four shifts.

  Then five shifts today, two shifts owed.

  Taken together... um. . .I owe six more.I remember, it will be returned this month!

(End of this chapter)

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