Chapter 419 Let's Don't Lie (10)

As everyone knows, the news of Lin Xi's return is slowly spreading.Eventually, it exploded across the web.

Lin Xi learned to be smart this time, she didn't read those comments on the Internet, she swiped Weibo alone, and listened to Weibo notifications but remained unmoved.

She only has one idea in her mind now, to get rid of the Lin family and return her mother's innocence so that she can save some face...
An Sishui looked at the growing public opinion on Weibo, and she pursed her lips.Finally, I couldn't bear to call Mo Liunian this morning.

As Mo Liunian, she couldn't get through, but she also knew that Mo Liunian must have turned off his phone after such a big incident happened.

So she called Wenxin, who was her sister-in-law's younger sister, so An Sishui also had a call from Wenxin.After she dialed, she greeted Wen Xin first, only to learn that Wen Wen and Mo Liunian were out of town.

She asked Wenxin to give Mo Liunian her mobile phone, saying that she had something to say to Mo Liunian.

As soon as she realized that it was Mo Liunian who answered the phone, An Shishui was so excited that her hand that was holding the phone was trembling slightly.

"Fleeing Years? Are you okay now? When something like this happens, I think you should discuss it with Lin Xi and come back to clarify the matter... Well, you don't want to be out of town anymore, come back quickly. Because You, Mr. Ji have paid a lot of compensation..."

An Sishui said a lot on her own, because Mo Liunian was willing to answer her phone, she was so happy that she didn't notice Mo Liunian's indifference through the phone at all.

Sure enough, Mo Liunian scolded her: "Oh! At this time, you are here to pretend to be a good person? Do I still need you to tell me what to do?"

When An Sishui heard this, her lips turned completely white.She felt that her hands seemed to be getting cold. She was clearly staying in the slightly warm room, but she felt as if she was in the cold arctic.

She subconsciously wanted to explain, but she didn't.Because she knew what Mo Liunian's words meant.Hmm...she lost, in Mo Liu Nian, she lost, completely lost to Lin Xi.

She suddenly began to fear that if Lin Xi found out about her cooperation with Lin Siran, would she break ties with her.

Thinking of this, An Sishui completely panicked.She lost a person she loved the most, and she also lost a person who loved her the most.

Why is she so miserable?
An Sishui thought.Forget it, she's already sorry anyway, as long as Mo Liunian and Lin Xi don't personally send her to the police station.

It's all her fault, she blamed her for wanting to kill the person Mo Liunian cared about most because of Mo Liunian.

How would she know?This is how she treats Lin Xi, this is how she treats Mo Liunian...

She moved her lips, but felt the corners of her mouth were salty, as if something flowed out of her eye sockets, and a trail of tears appeared on her face.

Unexpectedly, Mo Liunian was still ruthless: "Miss An, you should think about how you can explain this matter clearly to Lin Xi."

These words touched An Sishui's heart, and every cell in her body was clamoring for regret.

She thought, the most regrettable thing is to cooperate with Lin Siran, right?Who is Lin Siran?She admired Mo Liunian, and was Lin Xi's lifelong enemy.

She actually chose Lin Siran?When did An Sishui become so vicious and dark?
An Sishui wiped away her tears, said goodbye to Wen Xin, and collapsed on the bed weakly.

(End of this chapter)

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