Chapter 420 Let's Don't Lie (11)

She looked at the ceiling without blinking.Then, a picture seemed to appear on the ceiling.

All of them are those good memories she had with Lin Xi and Mo Liunian in high school.How good it was then, there was no scheming between them, only ignorant love and pure friendship.

I will never feel jealous towards Lin Xi, and even if I know that Mo Liunian loves Lin Xi wholeheartedly, I will never do anything wrong to Lin Xi.

Why is she getting bigger and bigger, but she has become so ignorant and dark?
An Sishui wiped away her tears, she didn't understand why she cooperated with Lin Siran at that time, did she lose her head or was her head caught by the door?

She was about to call Lin Xi, apologize to Lin Xi, and admit everything.But when the phone was raised in front of his eyes, it suddenly occurred to him that Lin Xi hadn't been contacted for the past few days.Maybe she is next to Mo Liunian now.

An Sishui's face suddenly turned pale... If this is the case, then does An Sishui not even have a chance to admit her mistakes...

She is so miserable!
An Sishui laughed at herself, slowly put down her phone, and lay powerlessly on the bed.

Then, she suddenly received a call from An Lin.

She tried her best to keep her smile, and tried to talk to her brother with a sweet voice that sounded like nothing happened.

Even if my brother doesn't know that he has done such an outrageous thing.

On the phone, An Sishui got a shocking news.

That is, Lin Xi is back.

Hearing these words, An Sishui froze on the spot, and the smile on her face was completely frozen.

She seemed to have run from the North Pole to the desert all of a sudden. I really can't say anything about that feeling.It's just very uncomfortable, especially unfamiliar with the house.

She knew that she was sorry for Lin Xi, but she didn't expect to face this matter so soon.

An Lin seemed to have sensed something was wrong with his baby sister. He frowned, and his tone was slightly indulgent: "What's the matter, Xiao Shui? Is someone bullying you?"

When An Sishui heard this, she suddenly came back to her senses. She tried her best to keep her emotions stable, and said in a coquettish tone, "Why would someone bully me? I just heard that Lin Xi came back , a bit unbelievable..."

When An Lin heard this, he didn't ask any more questions. After all, Lin Xi had disappeared for so long, and everyone thought that Mo Liunian and Lin Xi eloped together.

Now that Lin Xi came back suddenly, some people were naturally surprised.

An Lin asked An Sishui a few more questions, and after making sure that his sister was fine, he hung up the phone.

An Sishui looked at the phone that had been hung up for several minutes, her eyelids were slightly panting.

Lin Xi is back?
came back?
She didn't elope with Mo Liunian!


An Sishui thought about it slowly, and a tear fell from her eye socket again.


Thinking about it, An Sishui suddenly felt that there was still hope to remedy this matter.

But the moment she raised the phone, she couldn't make a call.

she is afraid...

Well, really scared.

Afraid that Lin Xi would not forgive...afraid that Lin Xi would scold herself like Mo Liunian.

An Sishui hesitated for a long time, then closed her eyes: Forget it, just scold me.

She hooked her mouth in a self-deprecating manner, she has already done this kind of thing, so what are you afraid of?Anyway, I should scold myself.

But before she called, Lin Xi called suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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