Chapter 421 Let's Don't Lie (12)

Lin Xi's tone was calm, and the words he said were the most beautiful and comforting words that An Sishui had heard in the past few days.

Lin Xi said, "Xiao Shui, let's have a heart-to-heart talk, let's not lie."

Yeah, let's not lie.

An Sishui struggled a few times, blinked her eyelids, and didn't answer Lin Xi for a long time.

Lin Xi thought that An Sishui was unwilling, but Lin Xi kept her tone calm and asked, "Why? Don't you want to?"

It was only then that An Shishui came to her senses and seized this opportunity in time. She didn't know that the voice she spoke was like the feeling of a drowned person catching a straw: "Okay, okay, Lin Xi... We went out to eat at noon today. Well, let's just go to that small restaurant."

Lin Xi didn't refuse, she called this time just to ask An Sishui out.

Now that An Sishui agreed to come out, she hung up the phone without saying a word.

Originally, An Sishui wanted to ask Lin Xi where she had been these few days, but she just opened her mouth and realized that there was already a beeping sound on the phone.

An Sishui lowered her hands in disappointment.

Then he smiled self-deprecatingly, sure enough, no one would treat the most vicious person with a kind face and greet him with a smiling face.

Mo Liunian and Lin Xi are like the male and female protagonists in a novel, and An Sishui is very much like the vicious female partner who will never get along with the hero and heroine.

Yes, she is vicious!
An Sishui took a long breath, as if thinking of something, she raised her eyelids and called Lin Siran.

The phone rang several times before Lin Siran answered it.

An Shishui seemed to have made a lot of determination, and after pressing a button on the phone, she heard Lin Siran's voice: "Hello? What's the matter?"

It was still that haughty and invincible voice.

An Sishui didn't take it seriously this time, and tried not to let her voice show a trace of something wrong.Her voice was calm: "I'm An Sishui. I just want to ask Miss Lin, how are you going to deal with the matter on Weibo?"

An Sishui knows who Lin Siran is, and she knows that her scheming is in the wrong place, so this is also an important proof that she has won Lin Xi's forgiveness...

Time flies so fast, it's noon.

Lin Xi hailed a taxi and went to the small restaurant An Sishui mentioned.

Just now she talked with Wangcai about her life all morning, but she found that no matter what she said now, she couldn't talk about Wangcai.

Lin Xi took a long breath and talked to Wangcai about the lack of nutrition all morning. She was really tired.

She even forgot to see what her mother left behind.

If Wangcai hadn't mentioned An Sishui suddenly when she was arguing with Wangcai, she probably would have forgotten the appointment with An Sishui at noon today.

Then she hurriedly called a car and rushed to the restaurant.

After entering, she also knew An Sishui's habit: she liked to sit in the most remote place by the window.

Therefore, Lin Xi went directly to those places to find them.

Sure enough, in a corner, Lin Xi saw An Sishui who was drinking a glass of wine.

An Sishui seemed to be really in a bad mood, seeing Lin Xi coming, she pulled out a smile uglier than crying.

"Lin Xi, you're here...then why are you standing still, sit down." Saying that, An Sishui stood up, ready to pull a stool away from Lin Xi.

(End of this chapter)

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