Chapter 424 Let's Don't Lie (15)

"Actually, I never knew why she was so sure that the two of you would play tricks... I never found out before that your sister has such a high IQ."

"So Lin Xi, I suspect that someone is behind the scenes. Lin Siran is not the only one making trouble in this matter!"

Lin Xi pursed her lips and understood what An Sishui said.

I'm afraid that Lin Siran was not the only one involved in this matter.

"Also, that time I got into Lin Siran's car... At that time I knew I did something wrong. Really Lin Xi, I'm really scared..." An Sishui spoke slowly, explaining that time she got into Lin Siran's car .

Then, An Sishui's eyelashes trembled slightly, looked at Lin Xi, and said softly, "Lin Xi, can you forgive me?"

Originally, it was good that An Sishui didn't say this sentence, but now that An Sishui said this sentence, Lin Xi's face suddenly became gloomy.But she didn't look at An Sishui.

Seeing Lin Xi like this, An Sishui panicked, and when tears almost fell, Lin Xi finally said, "Don't cry. Whether I can forgive you is not the main issue, after all, Mo Liunian..."

Lin Xiwei felt a little bit in trouble, not to mention that An Sishui really did something wrong in this matter.

"Okay, Xiao Shui, it's good that you know your mistakes and correct them." Lin Xi looked at An Sishui's aggrieved look, and persuaded, "And now, the most important thing is the Lin family."

Lin Xi spoke slowly, raised her head and glanced at An Sishui.

A trace of panic flickered in An Shishui's eyes, and then, as if she had thought of something, she hurriedly took out her phone, unlocked it, and played an audio.

Lin Xi frowned, not knowing what An Sishui meant.

An Sishui didn't speak, but her actions told Lin Xi to listen to the audio.

At the beginning, there was a full five seconds of silence before a female voice was heard:
"Hello? What's the matter?"

Hearing this voice, Lin Xi choked slightly, and looked at An Sishui with some surprise.

Then, another voice came: "I'm An Sishui. I just want to ask Ms. Lin, how are you going to deal with the matter on Weibo?"

Lin Xi knew that it was An Rushui's voice.

In an instant, Lin Xi seemed to understand something. This was the phone recording between An Sishui and Lin Siran.

Lin Xi took a meaningful look at An Sishui: It seems that An Sishui is not so stupid yet.

She calmed down and listened to the audio content.

"Oh! Are you here to worry about this too? Forget it, I'll just tell you."

Perhaps it was An Sishui who caught Lin Siran's lack of brain this time, and immediately provoked Lin Siran's words.

"After all, I also want your plan to succeed as soon as possible." This sentence was said by An Sishui, her voice was so flat that she didn't seem to take it seriously at all.

But when Lin Xi heard this sentence, she still took a look at An Sishui, only to find that An Sishui's face had turned red because of her words.

This was just a sentence she had to say in order to reveal more of Lin Siran's secrets.

Lin Xi also understood that this was An Sishui acting.

"I continued to look for the navy, to ruin Lin Xi's reputation, and let people reveal something that didn't exist... Well, I directly hired a group of people to kill Lin Xi, and put the photos on the Internet by the way. Then it was much simpler Let someone kill her. By the way, it is the scene of Lin Xi's suicide."

Speaking of this, Lin Siran finally couldn't help laughing smugly.

(End of this chapter)

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