Chapter 425 I want the Lin family to disappear (1)

Lin Xi didn't expect that Lin Siran's scheming was so deep.For a while, she was stunned.

In the next sentence, An Sishui just asked Lin Xi's heart: "Since Miss Lin Siran's ultimate goal is to kill Lin Xi, why don't you do it now? While she is missing?"

Even though she knew that An Sishui said it for the sake of cliche, Lin Xi still felt very uncomfortable.

Lin Siran had already fallen into the trap, and directly followed An Sishui's words, and said: "Because I want to torture her, let her die in pain like her mother, that bitch!"

Lin Xi clenched her hands into fists when she heard these words, her surroundings were terribly indifferent.Even An Sishui was afraid, Lin Xi went to kill Lin Siran now.

"Miss Lin Siran played tricks." After a while, An Sishui spoke slowly, as if she really didn't expect Lin Siran to be so vicious.

Lin Siran smiled disdainfully, she really had nothing to say, she hung up the phone directly.

The audio ends here.

Lin Xi looked at An Sishui, her eyes burst into anger, she gritted her teeth and said a word: "Xiao Shui, I will definitely not let them have an easy time!"

Lin Xi took a deep breath, trying to calm down her anger.

She won't make it easy for them, definitely not!
An Sishui nodded: "Lin Xi, I'll help you!"

Lin Xi stopped talking...

The food was served quickly, and the two of them ate one bite at a time.
Ji Mochen and Gu Nianchu were sitting next to them, right next to each other.

The two remained silent from beginning to end, quietly listening to the entire conversation between the two.

Knowing that Lin Xi had returned, Gu Nianchu couldn't wait to go look for Lin Xi with Ji Mochen.

But when he arrived at the hotel, Gu Nianchu didn't have the courage to meet Lin Xi.

He also knew that Lin Xi would never forgive him for saying such heartless words back then.

But Ji Mochen didn't know anything about these things, he was worried about Gu Nianchu.

The two made a call to Lin Xi, but the voice of the system showed that Lin Xi's mobile phone was busy now.

No way, the two sat in the lobby of the hotel, silent.

Then, I saw Lin Xi hurried downstairs and got into a taxi.

Ji Mochen and Gu Nianchu looked at each other and stood up at the same time.Ji Mochen took the car keys, drove their car, and followed Lin Xi's taxi to the restaurant.

The two arrived at the restaurant, looked around, and finally saw Lin Xi and An Sishui in the corner.

Gu Nianchu immediately said something to Ji Mochen.

I saw Ji Mochen go to Lin Xi's next table, and said something.

Seeing Ji Mochen handing them back a few RMB, the people at that table left here without any complaints.

Gu Nianchu and Ji Mochen also managed to sit next to them and could eavesdrop on their conversation.

The atmosphere of the conversation between the two was so sad that the two couldn't help but said nothing.

It wasn't until Lin Xi opened his mouth to express his doubts to An Sishui, and the two looked at each other, that they realized that what happened this time was really unusual.

But Ji Mochen still clearly saw a trace of suspicion and fear in Gu Nianchu's eyes.

He knew that Gu Nianchu probably knew something.

What happened to Lin Xi this time was definitely not something that Lin Siran could do alone.

Gu Nianchu once saw Lin Siran and Ye Qingqing meeting each other quietly, thinking of this, Gu Nianchu's face turned pale.

(End of this chapter)

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