Chapter 443 Never expecting anything in return (2)

Now that I think about it, I was really fragile at that time.

Lin Xi licked her lips and swallowed all her tears.

At that time, the little Cheng Mengmeng hadn't experienced friendship or family affection for more than ten years. She put away all her sharpness by herself, and she cried in that corner.

She cried aloud until finally, she was a little dizzy from crying and squatted on the ground directly.When she got up, she staggered, and couldn't help stretching out her hand, caressing the wall.

But at this moment, her hand was suddenly pushed by the brick on the wall!That's right, it was pushed over.

This may be a senior student who quietly chiseled a brick in order to skip class, so that it is easier to climb up.

But Cheng Mengmeng was still stunned, watching her hand being slowly pushed over in a daze.

Cheng Mengmeng didn't react until the brick was pushed to the ground.At that time, she thought it was haunted, but she was still too scared to move.

Her eyes fell on the missing brick wall without blinking.

After a while, Cheng Mengmeng seemed to think of something, cleared his throat, and said, "That classmate outside, what can I do for you?"

For a long time, no one outside answered.

Cheng Mengmeng frowned, and just as she was about to step on that place and climb up the wall, a letter was suddenly pushed into the place where a brick was missing.

The envelope of this letter is beautiful, it seems to be specially bought stationery.

Cheng Mengmeng subconsciously took the letter and held it in her hand.

On the envelope, a few flamboyant characters caught her eyes: Cheng Mengmeng, accept!

A few simple words, but like a powerful reassurance pill, it directly calmed Cheng Mengmeng.

She opened the letter and began to read the contents.

Cheng Mengmeng could see that it was written by a boy.His handwriting was very elegant and imposing, and each clear big character came into her eyes.

"Your eyes are beautiful, not suitable for crying."

"I'll eat the bitterness, you should be yourself."

"Don't always say that you are bad. In my heart, you are the only one who deserves to devote your heart and soul."

"All the tears you shed hit my heart."

"One, two, three, don't cry, you'll be a pig if you cry any more!"

It was his first letter to her, but he managed to make her smile at that time.Although his love words were so young, every word touched her heart.

She remembered his words for many years, and she dreamed of him laughing for many days.

Cheng Mengmeng was looking at the letter at that time, from dusk to midnight, until she could no longer read the content clearly, and then she walked home slowly.

The street lamp cast a long shadow behind her, and in the silent night, her figure was particularly lonely.

But the smile on her face was so satisfying and sweet.

She didn't know who this person was, and she didn't know why this person said these things to herself.

But at that moment, she had a feeling.

What does it feel like?

It's what she wants to say, "Mom, I seem to be in love."

Think about it, if there was someone who was willing to comfort and warm you when you were abandoned by the whole world, wouldn't you be moved?
Cheng Mengmeng was still too young at that time, she had an obsession in her heart at that time, she wanted to get married and be with that person.


In the long dark night, her footsteps are particularly firm.

(End of this chapter)

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