Chapter 444 Never expecting anything in return (3)

At that time, she quietly planted a wish in her heart: the person who can make her wear white gauze in the future can only be this person today.

Later, when she grew up, she also knew that there was a word called playing on the spot.Hmm...Maybe it's like Lin Xi's flirting with Mo Liunian back then...

Cheng Mengmeng never knew who that person was, and she didn't know anything about that person.

It wasn't until later that she was sure.It turned out that that person was Mo Liunian, he would not dislike his appearance, and would accompany and comfort him like a good friend.
Lin Xi came back to her senses, took a deep breath, she couldn't go on like this...

She didn't know why, but when she thought of Mo Liunian now, she felt so bored, it made her upset, and she couldn't help but start thinking about it.

I don't know when, when Lin Xi saw Mo Liunian, she never felt the thrill of meeting again.

She can't guarantee that she still loves Mo Liunian now, but she knows that not everyone can bring the warmth that Mo Liunian brought her...

Lin Xi stared out the window for a long time before finally picking up her mobile phone and making a call.

"Hello? President Ji, I have something to ask you." Lin Xi waited patiently for Ji Mochen to connect, and then said slowly.

Ji Mochen didn't seem very busy, but he could still hear his typing on the keyboard and using the mouse.

"Let's talk, I have something to deal with now." Ji Mochen said slowly, with a smile in his voice, when he talked to Lin Xi, he always had the feeling of talking to his old friend.

Lin Xi was stunned suddenly, thinking that this Ji Mochen must have discovered something.

"What are you in a daze for?" Ji Mochen seemed to laugh, and spoke again.

Lin Xi has been silent all the time, she always feels that they all know her identity as Cheng Mengmeng.

So what if you know, Lin Xi pursed her lips: "Mr. Ji, Emperor Mo said that he is coming back today. How did the crew discuss the matter of compensation?"

"I didn't expect you to ask Mo Liunian just by making a phone call?" Ji Mochen smiled even more intensely, and even stopped his work completely, and was on the phone with Lin Xi.

"You two, won't you really be together?" Ji Mochen said again, with a slightly joking tone.

Lin Xi couldn't help but help his forehead, he didn't expect Ji Mochen to be so irrelevant today!

"President Ji, I'm talking about business..." Lin Xi said helplessly.

Then, Ji Mochen's phone seemed to be muted.

Lin Xi waited for about a minute before hearing Ji Mochen's voice again.

His voice finally returned to normal this time, and he spoke seriously, but there was a trace of unnoticed grievance in his voice.

"Okay Lin Xi, after Mo Liunian comes back, I have an idea about the compensation. The main reason is that things between you two are a bit complicated..." Ji Mochen spoke slowly, with a hint of uncertainty in his tone.

But what he said seemed to have been prepared in advance.

"Otherwise, I will resign in tears...or it will cause damage to the company's reputation..." It hurts.Before Lin Xi could finish speaking, the phone was robbed suddenly.

A terrible premonition rose in Lin Xi's heart, and then, a cold voice came from the phone:

"You care about him so much! In order not to let him be wronged and have public opinion, you are willing to bear everything! Oh, so you are so infatuated!"

It was Gu Nianchu's voice.

Lin Xi's hand holding the phone suddenly stopped. In the past few days, the first conversation between her and Gu Nianchu started like this.

(End of this chapter)

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