Chapter 448 Never expecting anything in return (7)

Soon, he locked two people.

One of them is Cheng Mengmeng.But the other person was too ordinary, Gu Nianchu directly ruled her out.

At that time, there were small photos in the files of the freshmen, but there were no photos in Cheng Mengmeng's files.

Gu Nianchu found it strange, so he asked the principal.

The principal also answered knowingly: "Oh! This girl, she is quite special, and she strongly requests not to post photos... I can forget it after thinking about it, after all, she won't stay in this school for too long."

What the principal seemed to say casually, but Gu Nianchu still caught the point.Cheng Mengmeng won't stay in this school for too long?

Gu Nianchu clenched his fists and asked again without thinking, "Why?"

Faced with Gu Nianchu's question, the principal was a little embarrassed.Both Gu Nianchu and Ji Mochen looked at themselves with subtle eyes...

The headmaster paused and cleared his throat. Although he was humbled by the rich and powerful at the moment, it didn't mean that he was a person who had no bottom line.

He immediately returned to seriousness: "This is a student's private matter, Young Master Gu, I can't tell you."

Hearing this, Ji Mochen was about to threaten the principal to tell the truth, but was forcibly pulled away by Gu Nianchu.

When going out, Gu Nianchu finally brought up a faint smile, and said to the principal, "Principal, I have something to do with taking him out, I'll bring him back later."

After finishing speaking, Gu Nianchu couldn't help but carry Ji Mochen and left here.

Even if the principal doesn't want to, he has to be obedient to Gu Nianchu.

Just like that, the principal turned a blind eye and let Ji Mochen run away.
school roof
"Alas... Gu Nianchu, what did you bring me here for? You don't want to have sex with me..." Right... Before he could say the last word, Ji Mochen was pushed against the wall by Gu Nianchu.

"I'll say it again, my sexual orientation is normal!" Gu Nianchu said indifferently. It seems that Ji Mochen had grown up in the principal's office and dared to talk to him like that now!
But Gu Nianchu knew that he was not here to talk about this matter.

He spoke in time to avoid Ji Mochen's nonsense: "I asked you to come out because there is something for you to help."

Hearing this, Ji Mochen seemed to be lifted up to the clouds by Gu Nianchu.He straightened his clothes proudly, and evened out the creases that Gu Nianchu had picked up just now.

Then, he looked at the scene under the roof, and said arrogantly: "This is your attitude when you ask me for help!"

Seeing Ji Mochen's stinky fart, Gu Nianchu didn't plan to talk nonsense at all: "It's not please, it's let! You don't want to."

"I heard that you stayed until the first year of high school next semester?" Gu Nianchu looked at Ji Mochen seriously and asked.

"That's right! My father insisted on making me study hard. He said that if I pass the first grade, he will let me go back to the third year of high school..." Ji Mochen complained solemnly, he just didn't like to study, he was not willing to study.

"You have that ability." Gu Nianchu pursed his lips and looked at Ji Mochen.

"Gu Nianchu, you're actually boasting!" Ji Mochen looked at Gu Nianchu in shock, not exaggerating.

Gu Nianchu: "..."

"Look for your dad and put you in Cheng Mengmeng's class. You must sit at the same table, and even if you can't, don't leave this seat to other boys." Gu Nianchu said lightly, looked at Ji Mochen, "It's a little favor , you shouldn’t be unable to do it, right?”

(End of this chapter)

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