Chapter 449 Never expecting anything in return (8)

But Ji Mochen's focus was no longer on Gu Nianchu asking him to help, he got two important points when he heard Gu Nianchu's words.

First, it was the first time I heard the names of other girls from Gu Nianchu's mouth; second, Gu Nianchu seemed to be jealous that someone was sitting next to that girl.

"Gu Nianchu, I didn't expect that! Fucked a girl so soon?" Ji Mochen looked at Gu Nianchu with a smile hidden in the corner of his eyes.

Unexpectedly, Gu Nianchu ignored Ji Mochen's joke at all, and said directly and seriously: "Okay, no matter what method you use, you must help me do it."

Then, without any explanation, Gu Nianchu stretched out his hand and pulled Ji Mochen down.

Gu Nianchu has practiced, no matter how strong Ji Mochen's hands are, he is a scumbag when it comes to Gu Nianchu.

Therefore, Gu Nianchu easily sent Ji Mochen to the principal's office again.

Along the way, Ji Mochen threatened Gu Nianchu: "Believe it or not, I fucked up that girl!"

"you dare?"

"Look at me, dare I! The person you Gu Nianchu has taken a liking to is naturally the best!"


But I didn't expect that Cheng Mengmeng was really the best.

Of course that's all for later.

Gu Nianchu has never been to school since the freshmen entered school. He just keeps himself bored in the room every day, happily writing love letters.

At the beginning, there were only one or two sentences, and every word was his heartfelt voice, and later it became letters.

But no matter how many love words, it is not as good as when she strayed into his world in a white dress like a fairy when she was a child.

Time passed quickly, maybe he had an idea in his mind, and when he came to school again, the frost on his face had disappeared a lot.

I heard that Ji Mochen also managed to do what he said, and managed to be at the same table with Cheng Mengmeng.

But on the first day of school, after the first get out of class, Ji Mochen came to Gu Nianchu with a look of horror.

"Gu Nianchu, your little girlfriend is really top-notch! And your vision is really special!" Ji Mochen shouted from the podium as soon as he rushed into his classroom.

At that time, Gu Nianchu was writing a love letter below, when he heard this sentence, he tilted his hand and wrote a wrong word.

He frowned, raised his head, and realized that the eyes of the whole class were on Gu Nianchu.

Even Mo Liunian looked at Gu Nianchu in surprise.

Then, Gu Nianchu came to his senses, and carried Ji Mochen to the rooftop in front of the three of them.

Ji Mochen wanted to cry, but he stammered and described Cheng Mengmeng's appearance.

But Gu Nianchu felt distressed after hearing it.

Birthmarks are generally congenital, even some are acquired birthmarks, and there will be very obvious traces at birth.

Although he didn't see the details of her face clearly when he was a child, he was enough to guarantee that there would be no birthmark on Cheng Mengmeng's face.

He frowned, always feeling that this matter was not so simple.

He was about to go to the first grade with Ji Mochen to see Cheng Mengmeng, when the class bell rang suddenly, so he had to give up.

Because I was in the third year of high school, I was very busy studying, and I didn't finish class all morning.

When eating at noon, Gu Nianchu was going to take a look, but was told that Cheng Mengmeng had asked for leave at noon and was not at school.

Just after class in the afternoon, Gu Nianchu couldn't listen at all, and gave Mo Liunian a wink. After class, the two quietly played truant.

The place to play truant is in that small corner of the school.

(End of this chapter)

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