Chapter 450 Never expecting anything in return (9)

He and Mo Liunian had two years of experience playing truant, so they naturally knew how many bricks had been quietly taken down here.

So, he and Mo Liunian left here very smoothly.

Even if someone found out that he was playing truant, they would not say anything.After all, his so-called Gu family is not just a decoration.The Gu family can still solve this small matter.

But Mo Liunian didn't care at all.After all, he has no parents.

The two played outside until the afternoon.Then it suddenly occurred to me that some of my things were still left at school.

And those things are what they must take!At such a young age, Gu Nianchu is already familiar with Gu Shi, and every time he comes to school, he will bring some Gu Shi's documents.

I have a meeting tonight and I need these things.

But the school gate has been closed. After discussing with Mo Liunian, Gu Nianchu decided to enter the school and take out things...

When they came to the back corner, Gu Nianchu didn't take down the bricks in a hurry, but just jumped on the stone steps next to them.

When he reached the wall, he hooked the corner of his mouth, ready to jump off.

But he actually saw a figure below?
Is there someone here?

He shook his head, usually he would never forget the people he met, and after just a few glances, he recognized that this person was Cheng Mengmeng.

The girl was crying, although it was a silent sob, but she would sniff from time to time.

The setting sun fell on the two of them.

Gu Nianchu stood motionless on the wall, looking at Cheng Mengmeng.

Cheng Mengmeng lowered her head and sobbed.

Although he didn't know why she was crying, his heart ached when he heard her voice.

Even though Cheng Mengmeng kept his head down, the scene of Cheng Mengmeng crying had already been imagined in his mind.

He suddenly felt that the air above the wall was a bit thin, and he took a deep breath, as if he sucked all the remaining trace of oxygen into his lungs.

Gu Nianchu gave Cheng Mengmeng another distressed look, and then lightly jumped off the wall.

He knew that Cheng Mengmeng had always been a proud girl from the many conversations he had had since childhood.What's more, she hid here and cried this time, naturally she didn't want to be discovered by others.

After Gu Nianchu came down, Mo Liunian looked at him suspiciously.

But Gu Nianchu's aura was too cold, which directly made Mo Liunian shut up.

He made a silent gesture to Mo Liunian, and then pulled Mo Liunian aside.

Mo Liunian looked at Gu Nianchu in a daze.

"Okay, go buy something for me, and I'll tell you the reason when I come back." Gu Nianchu didn't look at Mo Liunian until he left the corner, and said in a soft voice.

It wasn't until 100 yuan was stuffed into his hand that Mo Liunian realized it.

Although he didn't know why Gu Nianchu did this, he believed in Gu Nianchu from the bottom of his heart.

Nodding his head, he subconsciously asked, "What smoke?"

Gu Nianchu was originally in a dull mood, but when he heard these three words, he suddenly felt a little dumbfounded.

He almost punched Mo Liunian: "Don't buy cigarettes. Buy a pen and a few pieces of paper, preferably one that can write love letters."

Hearing the words "write a love letter", Mo Liunian seemed to understand something.

She looked at Gu Nianchu with a smile, as if I understood everything.

Gu Nianchu took a long breath, ignored him, went to the wall again, and looked at Cheng Mengmeng.

Not long after, Mo Liunian came back, and besides buying what Gu Nianchu wanted, he also bought a beautiful envelope.

Gu Nianchu was very satisfied with this.

(End of this chapter)

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