Chapter 488 For You, More Than Just One Like (6)

She looked up, slightly surprised and incredulous.But after a while, she calmed down her emotions and asked, "Go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. You came here in person this time. I don't know what's the matter?"

With a smile on the corner of the man's mouth, he looked at Yao Ning, and what he said was for discussion, but there was no tone of discussion: "Director Yao, I heard that Mo Liunian, the film emperor Mo Liunian, is here now?"

Yao Ning choked slightly and nodded.She couldn't mess with the people in front of her. Not only were they sent by the superiors, but they were also a well-known family.

Don't say she can't afford it, even the whole S City may not be able to afford it.

"Okay, I hope you let him out." The man spoke again, his beautiful lips slightly raised, and a gleam of warmth flashed in his eyes.

"I'll take care of the public opinion. If Lin Aohui is unwilling...? Hehe, I want to sue him. There was something wrong with Mo Qi back then. Now I have evidence that he was the one who killed him." The man spoke again, his words full of confidence .

"Let Mo Liunian go, but in a few days, someone will come to deliver evidence." The man spoke slowly, repeating the same purpose, that Mo Liunian must be let go.

Yao Ning looked embarrassed, looked at this man, but never said anything.

Really, this person came to her now mainly because he didn't want to make a big fuss, otherwise, even she, the bureau chief, would be implicated.

"Sir, is this..." Yao Ning was interrupted by this man before finishing his sentence.

"Just say it's an order from above." He said casually, and then took out a document, and the signature below also surprised Yao Ning.

She is not a bullying person, but the person who signed it is of extraordinary status. Maybe this time, Mo Liunian, she has to let it go.

In the end, the man made the last concession: "I'm going to see him now, remember to let him out tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, the man bowed politely to Yao Ning, meaning to thank Yao Ning for his help.

Yao Ning smiled, but did not speak.

Then, the man walked out and went to the single room where Mo Liunian was.

Just as An Sishui left, Mo Liunian was thinking deeply when he suddenly heard a familiar voice: "Mo Yingdi."

The voice was faint, and he spoke casually, causing Mo Liunian to pause slightly.

Then, Mo Liunian raised his head, looked at the man's face, and was taken aback.

"You, why did you come here?" Mo Liunian was slightly surprised. The youngest and most mysterious director in the entertainment industry would come to see him?
Even though he has been the Best Actor for several years in a row, he has only worked with this person in a movie.And it was a Lunar New Year film four years ago.

Because he makes two movies a year, each of which is a classic.

"You have to come out, I'm going to invite you to make my next movie. Remember, don't let anyone know that I saved you."

"After you come out tomorrow, together with that girl, resolve Lin Aohui's matter as soon as possible."

Finally, he left a few words and left.

No goodbyes, no pleasantries.

After he left, Mo Liunian suddenly nodded.

He will go out here tomorrow, and while keeping the secret, he has to settle the business properly.

Mo Liunian pursed his lips. Unexpectedly, he had a day trip to the police station?

Such a big thing as holding a gun was easily suppressed?

Mo Liu took a long breath.

He didn't know that what happened after he came out was the most frightening.

 Fourth watch, power outage

  Just coded out, waiting
  I'm so tired, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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