Chapter 489 For You, More Than Just One Like (7)

Black, endless black.

In her world, all the brilliance seemed to be lost, and only darkness and endless indifference remained.

Lin Xi couldn't help but hugged herself and squatted on the ground.This was the first time she felt so helpless and so scared after she left the Lin family.

Gradually, a voice rang in her ear: "It's so boring, is there anyone?"

It's an immature male voice.Accompanied by his voice, a scene gradually appeared before Lin Xi's eyes.

Here is the interior of an exquisite villa.A little girl stood outside a closed room with her ears pressed against the door.

As soon as she heard a voice from over there, a look of surprise appeared on her face, and then the girl giggled.

"Hello." Lin Xi greeted with a smile.

At that time, she had come to Cheng's house with her mother for a while.But she didn't meet a single person of the same age, and she didn't even meet anyone except her mother and a group of nannies.

Now hearing the voice of a little boy here, she was slightly surprised.

"Little sister, what's your name?" It seemed that the little boy inside was also surprised, and asked with a smile.

Lin Xi paused, and her mother said that here, she cannot be called Lin Xi, but her name must be Cheng Mengmeng.

Cheng Mengmeng~
This name seemed to be missing something for Lin Xi when she was a child.At that time, she turned her head, and a soft voice sounded immediately: "My name is Xiao Mengmeng...well, it's Mengmeng's Mengmeng."

Times have changed...

Soon, a scene changed before Lin Xi's eyes.

"Mom!" Lin Xi, wearing a white princess dress, flung herself on Cheng Fengrao's hospital bed, looking at the woman on the hospital bed with a bloodless face.

But, mom just laughed, just laughed...

She didn't say a word, just looked at Lin Xi and smiled.

There was a trace of unwillingness in that smile.

"Lin Xi, remember, don't bring anything when you come to see your mother...Mom, mother hates everything in this world, except you..." Cheng Fengrao stumbled out some words.

Even her beautiful hands had already touched Lin Xi's head.

Lin Xi burst into tears, and held Cheng Fengrao's hand.

"You're gone, what about Lin Xi..." There was a trail of tears on Lin Xi's face.

Cheng Fengrao exerted his last strength and wiped away Lin Xi's tears.

Later, Cheng Fengrao closed his eyes forever.

Even at the end, there was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth...

Only Lin Xi understood that this smile was unwilling and painful.

As the scenes flashed in his mind, Lin Xi watched himself grow up slowly.

Seeing myself crying in a mess when I was scolded because of my birthmark at the beginning, and in the end, I was scolded again, completely treating them as if they didn't exist.

In my memory, the brick in the corner, the sun shines on it.

There was a boy who would quietly remove the brick and stuff a letter inside.

There is a girl who will quietly take the letter away and put the brick in it.

Between them, there is no life-and-death love that makes people cry, only the acquaintance with each other day after day and year after year.

Sucheng No. [-] Middle School buried Lin Xi's memory and covered up all her mottledness.

In reality, Lin Xi quietly shed a tear from the corner of his eye.

Messenger, I don't know if you have forgotten the promise of the year.

I don't know if you will be the one I love.

(End of this chapter)

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