Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 497 The moment you choose her, you have already lost

Chapter 497 The moment you choose her, you have already lost (7)

Yes, the moment Lin Aohui chose Qi Yuan, he had already lost.

Qi Yuan's intentions were not right, she tried to use Lin Aohui, and even annexed all the forces in the city.When she approached Lin Aohui at first, it was not because of the so-called love at all.

All because of her ambition!Her ambition told her to use this man.While using this man, he must also destroy him.

Seeing Lin Xi coming out, several people stepped forward one after another, but they all seemed to remember something, and finally stood by Lin Xi's side without saying a word.

Lin Xi didn't say a word, and there was a trace of indifference and alienation in his eyes.She seemed to be sitting here sullenly because she was in a bad mood after seeing Lin Aohui.

After a while, Mo Liunian, Gu Nianchu, and Ji Mochen finally couldn't bear it any longer, and wanted to ask Lin Xi what was going on.

Who knew that Lin Xi seemed to know that they were going to talk in advance, and smiled: "Mo Yingdi, Xiao Shui will be here soon, please respect yourself. Today's matters are almost resolved."

"Mr. Gu, Mr. Ji, if you have nothing to do, please go back."

Hearing Lin Xi's indifferent tone, everyone present could not help but take a breath.

The matter of Lin Aohui is already a certainty, and he is also doomed.

No matter who came to rescue him this time, Lin Aohui would not be released again.

Gu Nianchu took a deep breath, hiding his feelings, and without even looking at Lin Xi, he said to Lawyer Zhou beside him, "Lawyer Zhou, the two witnesses are at the police station, please let me know if you need anything."

Then, Gu Nianchu looked at Ji Mochen: "Let's go!"

With just one word, there was a slight hint of anger and killing intent.

Mo Liunian looked at Gu Nianchu and Ji Mochen who had already left, pondered for a moment, then looked at Lin Xi, as if he wanted to say something.

But then, a female voice completely interrupted him: "Lin Xi!"

An Sishui waved at Lin Xi.

Then, as if she had just seen Mo Liunian, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, but the alienated Mo Liunian in the smile could clearly see.

"Liu Nian, are you alright?" An Sishui opened his mouth slowly, looking at Mo Liu Nian with a faint smile on his lips.

Without suspicion, Lin Xi smiled at An Sishui, and then looked away.

Mo Liunian looked at An Sishui like this, and he felt that there was a breath in his chest that he couldn't vent.As soon as he saw An Sishui's fake smile, he wanted to be rude and curse!
Such a good girl, why is she becoming like a puppet now?
For some reason, Mo Liunian became angry when he thought of this.

He didn't answer An Sishui, but just snorted coldly.

An Shishui paused, she hadn't realized what she didn't do well.She looked at Mo Liunian's indifferent look, then at herself, and felt that she looked like a joke.

An Sishui took a deep breath, boldly sat next to Mo Liunian, ignored Mo Liunian, and looked at Lin Xi: "Lin Xi, this matter must be handled properly."

"If there is nothing else, Liunian and I will leave first." An Sishui looked at Lin Xi with a smile, as if she was not affected by Mo Liunian's attitude just now.

Lin Xi frowned, but in the end she still felt that it was no longer suitable for her to intervene in the matter between them.

"Alright, you and Movie Emperor Mo will leave first." Lin Xi nodded without showing any displeasure.

(End of this chapter)

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