Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 498 The moment you choose her, you have already lost

Chapter 498 The moment you choose her, you have already lost (8)

However, Mo Liunian looked at An Sishui beside him, and suddenly exuded a trace of coldness.There seemed to be a layer of frost in his eyes, and as soon as it fell on An Sishui's body, she felt as if she was frozen.

In the end, Mo Liunian still didn't say much, and followed An Sishui out of the police station.

From Mo Liunian's surrender to his release, this matter is not big or small.It still caused a ripple in the entertainment industry.

When everyone thought that Mo Liunian's acting career was ruined that day, he came out safely the next day with nothing to do?

So when the news first came out, many people went to the gate of the police station to watch Mo Liunian.

So as soon as he went out, Mo Liunian saw a sea of ​​people outside the door.He paused, subconsciously moved closer to An Sishui, and held her arm.Who knew that An Sishui seemed to be a little disgusted with Mo Liunian's action, and even shrank her arms slightly.An Sishui paused slightly until she realized that there were so many people standing outside the door.

Mo Liunian sneered and didn't move too much.

But An Sishui naturally held Mo Liunian's arm, looked at Mo Liunian's side face, and raised a sweet smile.

Then, her eyes fell on those people, with a slight hint of shock in her eyes.

She didn't wear makeup today. Compared with the delicate makeup on the day of the press conference, today she looks more natural.Slim and graceful, like a woman who came out of a water town in the south of the Yangtze River.

Standing beside Mo Liunian, she complemented Mo Liunian's gentle and elegant temperament.They are simply a pair of golden boy and jade girl, who are talented and beautiful.

Mo Liunian sneered even harder in his heart, it turned out that this An Sishui was still as good at pretending and scheming as back then.

It's just that at this point, Mo Liunian didn't show it on the surface. After walking to the door, he took the initiative to talk about his own affairs.

Fortunately, the fans who came today were all rational fans, and they didn't make any radical moves, they just expressed their understanding of Mo Liunian's actions.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible for fans to know about Mo Liunian holding a gun!
So this time, he directly used the files at the police station Yao Ning and what the gentleman said yesterday to tell these people in front of him.

So everything is safe and sound.

An Sishui and Mo Liunian got into the car watched by fans.

When An Sishui came, he drove his own car.When she got to the front of the car, she stood in the co-pilot seat with obvious intentions.

Mo Liunian was also smiling, but in this smile, An Shishui seemed to see a trace of indifference and sarcasm.

She paused, not knowing what Mo Liunian meant now.She tried her best to cater, to be sensible, and to learn as precisely as Lin Xi.

She thinks that everything she has done today and everything she has shown in front of the public is enough.Even comparable to those popular stars.

In her heart, the play she acted in was really a perfect score.

But when it comes to Mo Liunian, it seems worthless.

An Sishui's mouth curled into a faint wry smile, looked at Mo Liunian who was driving the car dull and dull, and asked slowly: "Mr. Mo wants to end this paper engagement? I think You seem to be bored..."

After saying this, an imperceptible shrewdness flashed in An Shishui's eyes.

She wanted to go on to say that this marriage contract didn't break up just after he said it.

(End of this chapter)

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