The 627th chapter mother and child safety (6)

"Uncle, what do you want to call it?" Lin Xi's gaze turned to Cheng Fengyue, "The surname is Gu, after her father's surname."

"Enough!" Cheng Feng shouted loudly, and Lin Xi was so frightened that he trembled on the bed.

This was the first time Cheng Fengyue got angry with herself since she knew Cheng Fengyue.I don't know if it was because of grievances, or because she became more hypocritical after pregnancy, Lin Xi suddenly cried.There was a tear streak across her face, and she couldn't help but hugged her knees and buried her head in them.

Cheng Fengyue seemed to be aware of his gaffe just now. Looking at Lin Xi like this, he suddenly felt helpless: "Lin Xi...I'm sorry, you, don't cry. I won't attack you again from now on. I'm sorry..."

The more Cheng Feng started to apologize, Lin Xi seemed to be crying more and more fiercely, until finally Lin Xi's voice was hoarse from crying: "Why can't he see anything after I have done so much? Why..."

Lin Xi's voice became more and more trembling, and finally spoke out her heart in tears.

"He said he would marry me. I agreed with him and asked him to go home and discuss it. But on that day, he was secretly photographed. A few months ago, he was searched on Weibo. I can't bear it. I want to hear him Explain. But when I called him, he didn't answer..."

"I don't know why Gu Nianchu didn't answer, but I can only think of one possibility, but I'm still not sure. I suspect that he is guilty... He dare not answer my call. But he doesn't know, I have I like him so much, as long as he says a word, even if he deceives me, I will bear it."

"But he didn't make a single phone call. It's been two months now, and there is no contact between us. He just left... Uncle, he just left... But I still love him very much Ah, what should I do?"

After Lin Xi finished crying, she raised her head again, feeling that her head was a little swollen. She rubbed her temples, and suddenly fell headfirst onto the bed.

There were still wet tears on her face, and she looked very pitiful.

Lin Xi fainted suddenly, which startled Cheng Fengyue. He subconsciously attached Lin Xi's pulse, only to realize that she was too emotional during pregnancy.

The more Cheng Feng was afraid of the child's accident, the more afraid that Lin Xi would do something stupid because of the child, so he immediately called Dr. Cheng over.

Doctor Cheng has always lived in Cheng's house, so he came very quickly.

As soon as he saw Lin Xi lying on the bed, he quickly prescribed the right medicine and told Cheng Fengyue not to stimulate the pregnant woman too much.

"Then... is there anything wrong with her child?" Cheng Fengyue asked this question suddenly, looking nervously at Lin Xi's stomach.

Dr. Cheng pondered for a while: "Don't let Miss Cheng's emotions fluctuate so much, if there is another time, it will be very difficult to keep the child."

Doctor Cheng spoke regretfully, looked at Lin Xi, and prescribed some tranquilizing medicine for Lin Xi, and put them in front of Lin Xi's desk.

"Okay." Cheng Fengyu struggled for a long time before uttering a word slowly.

He had Dr. Cheng sent away, and he was alone in front of Lin Xi's bed, looking at her.

The child is fine, mother and child are safe.

Lin Xi, you have to sleep first, you must think about it, you must think about it clearly.
S city

The Gu family and the Ye family met again. At the same table, Gu Nianchu still didn't say a word.At this moment, he was more indifferent than before. He just glanced at the people on the table and did not move.

Ye Qingqing was still sitting beside him, and the communication between the two was limited to typing.

 Finally paid off... Huh, I will be busy with new articles tomorrow.

  I'm going to bed~
  Friends in Sichuan are well.

(End of this chapter)

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