The 628th chapter mother and child safety (7)

The New Year's Day has passed, and there is less than a month left before Ye Qingqing and Gu Nianchu's wedding.It was only now that the two families were discussing the wedding.

Mr. Gu said that they have already prepared the location, they will not go abroad, and they will get married in S City.After getting married, two people can go to another place for their honeymoon.

The Ye family naturally had nothing to say, Father Ye and Mother Ye also had the heart palpitations from last time, so naturally they wouldn't provoke Gu Nianchu just because they had nothing to do.So at the entire dinner table, there were only a few adults chattering endlessly, while Gu Nianchu was so indifferent that he didn't even move his chopsticks.

Ye Qingqing was next to him, typing out a line of words, she was very happy with a smile on her face.As for Gu Nianchu, he just paid attention to Ye Qingqing from time to time.

At first Gu Nianchu was not in high spirits, but in the end, he was staring at a place with a wine glass in his hand, dazed.

Two months ago, he met Liang Qichen.He originally thought that this was just an ordinary meal in his more than [-] years of career...

At most, at most Liang Qichen's status is a bit special.But unexpectedly, Lin Xi went back to Cheng's house that day...and left him completely.

After the hot search incident broke out, he wanted to make a phone call with Lin Xi. He didn't forget that he told Lin Xi that no matter what happened, Lin Xi would believe him.

But this time, he was afraid for the first time, and he didn't call Lin Xi.He knew that once this incident happened, he and Ye Qingqing's plan would definitely be hidden...

He was afraid, he returned home in a daze that day, and fell asleep without knowing why.

Woke up the next day with a missed call on his phone.It was Lin Xi who called.

Early in the morning, Gu Nianchu was alone in the bathroom and did not come out for a long, long time.

When he arrived at the company, he told Zhang Wen that he was going on a business trip.

So he got a new phone, went to Canada, and was on a business trip for a whole month.

When he went out this time, he was so busy that he didn't know what was day and what was night.

After working hard in the Gu family, Gu Nianchu has never been so busy.

However, the difference of more than a month made him abruptly advance by five days.For some reason, after leaving the place where Lin Xi was, Gu Nianchu seemed to have no air.

But after he came back, he couldn't find Lin Xi anymore, so he put himself into work again.

Being busy is a good medicine for treating all diseases. When you are busy, you will not be sentimental, gossip, or think about it. There is no anger or joy on your calm face, and there is only a vague word "roll" written on it.

Gu Nianchu was like this, finally on the third day after he came back, Ye Qingqing called him.

He was upset when he thought of Ye Qingqing, but fortunately, even though the phone was ringing, he didn't get through.

But Ye Qingqing refused to let her go, and made several phone calls.

Finally, Gu Nianchu got through.

"What's the matter?" Gu Nianchu just uttered three words indifferently, making all Ye Qingqing's previous anxiety and tension disappear at this moment.

"Tomorrow there will be a press conference for our private meeting on the hot search. I hope you can go over and refute the rumors..." Ye Qingqing said slowly, her voice getting lower and lower.

Gu Nianchu suddenly fell silent, he who was always decisive suddenly hesitated.

Because of his marriage with Ye Qingqing, although no one knows now.

(End of this chapter)

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