The 629th chapter mother and child safety (8)

But if he and Ye Qingqing directly deny the relationship between the two at tomorrow's press conference, as soon as it is reported that the two are married, the impact on Gu Nianchu and Ye Qingqing will be very bad.

And he thought that he had been abroad for more than a month, and this matter had already been brought to an end, but he didn't expect that there would be a more difficult press conference.

Of course Gu Nianchu didn't want to admit his relationship with Ye Qingqing, but if he didn't admit it, it would be a very serious matter to be slapped in the face in the future.What's more, this matter has been raging for a whole month, so it must be carefully considered.

"We'll see when the time comes." Gu Nianchu uttered four words, but did not tell Ye Qingqing what he was thinking in advance.

For some reason, Gu Nianchu suddenly felt very tired at this moment.Maybe it's because she's not by my side...

So at the press conference the next day, Gu Nianchu uttered those four words: true and false are hard to tell.He deliberately left a suspense, not denying but not admitting.But in the end, this matter was suppressed after all.

He knew that Lin Xi might have seen the live broadcast...

Then he kept himself busy for a whole month.But I don't know why, this month, no matter how heavy the work, he didn't forget to think about Lin Xi, on the contrary, it made him even more reluctant to let go of Lin Xi...

Does his heart throb, as if something is about to happen.

Even a few days ago, when he looked at the coffee brought in by Zhang Wen, his heart suddenly started to ache.

Zhang Wen was taken aback and asked Gu Nianchu to go to the hospital, but Gu Nianchu was unwilling to go there no matter what.

A few days ago, Mr. Gu went to the company to look for him again. Unfortunately, he was in a meeting at the time, and he was restless. Facing everyone's proposals, he pointed out many mistakes, and many people did not dare to make mistakes at the meeting.

Coming out of the conference room, Mr. Gu told him that he would have dinner with the Ye family.

Originally, the time was set for the evening of New Year's Day, but Ye Qingqing and Gu Nianchu's time did not allow that day, so it was moved to today.

two months...

Before he knew it, he hadn't seen her for two months.

But now, he was actually dazed at the dinner table.

If Ye Qingqing hadn't called him, I'm afraid Gu Nianchu would have thought about it for a while.

"Are you okay?" Ye Qingqing asked, leaning into Gu Nianchu's ear.

Gu Nianchu shook his head.

"Can I ask you a question?" Ye Qingqing's eyes suddenly looked at Gu Nianchu, and asked slowly.

Gu Nianchu paused and said hello.

"If I quit, can you be with Lin Xi?" Her voice was lowered a lot. Of course, even if there were people nearby, she would not listen to the two of them deliberately.

This long-lost name suddenly appeared in his ears, and Gu Nianchu suddenly felt a sense of unreality.His head suddenly looked at Ye Qingqing, and he didn't answer for a while.

After Ye Qingqing passed for a long time, she didn't hear Gu Nianchu's answer, so she couldn't help but stretch out her hand and push Gu Nianchu.

Gu Nianchu recovered and looked at Ye Qingqing: "But you won't quit."

There was a trace of bitterness in Gu Nianchu's voice, which made Ye Qingqing's eyes slightly sore after hearing it.

"Yes, you're right, I really won't quit." Ye Qingqing spoke slowly, her voice was very shallow.

"However, the Gu family and the Cheng family have always been feuds." Ye Qingqing spoke again, trying to dispel his thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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