Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 632 You and New Year's Eve Are Both A Dream

Chapter 632 You and New Year's Eve Are Both A Dream (1)

He will have plenty of time in the future, as long as he is around, Gu Xietian and Yin Ya will not be able to touch Old Master Gu, and will not threaten Gu Nianchu.

At this time, he was still worried about what Ye Qingqing was doing?He wants to marry Lin Xi, to be with Lin Xi, to be together forever...

His hands trembled slightly, and he took out the mobile phone that he hadn't turned on for two months.There is only a call from Lin Xi two months ago.

He suppressed the discomfort in his heart and called Lin Xi.He held the phone, his hands trembling slightly.

The phone beeped several times, but Lin Xi didn't answer it.Gu Nianchu's heart suddenly rose to his throat. He didn't know what he should say after the call was connected, and he didn't know what Lin Xi's attitude was now.

But within a few seconds, Lin Xi hung up the phone.Gu Nianchu frowned, and made a few more phone calls unwillingly, but was still hung up again.

Lin Xi is angry with him, right?Gu Nianchu thought about it, so instead of calling again, she sent Lin Xi a text message.

"Pick up the phone, I have something to tell you."

But after this message was sent, it was gone, and Lin Xi didn't get any response.

Gu Nianchu frowned and called again.

This time, the phone rang a few times before being connected.Gu Nianchu was afraid that Lin Xi would hang up the phone, so he hurriedly said in surprise, "Lin Xi, don't be angry, I have something to tell you now. The hot topic on Weibo that day was really used by someone with a heart... You came back from Cheng's house..." How about you?

Before he could say this, Gu Nianchu's voice was suddenly interrupted by the opposite party.

But the person opposite was not Lin Xi, he was a man. After listening to Gu Nianchu's words, he said slowly, "Mr. Gu, Mengmeng doesn't want to see you."

His voice was so soft that even across the phone, Gu Nianchu could tell who this person was.

He is Liang Qichen... He turned out to be Liang Qichen.

What about Lin Xi?How could Lin Xi's mobile phone be in his hands?How could Lin Xi's call be connected by him?
Are the two of them related? !
Lin Xi...

Gu Nianchu's heart throbbed again, but he still tried his best to maintain his inner peace, and said slowly, "Where is she?"

Liang Qichen chuckled twice: "She's not feeling well, she's asleep."

The strength of Gu Nianchu's hands suddenly increased. Hearing what Liang Qichen said, he suddenly wanted to kill...

Yes, he wanted to kill.

Doesn't Liang Qichen's words mean that Lin Xi fell asleep, he was by Lin Xi's side, and he answered a phone call for her?
Not to mention the relationship between the two, whoever is together in the middle of the night, the relationship is definitely not ordinary...

Gu Nianchu's breathing suddenly became was him, it was him who pushed Lin Xi away again.

But this time, he didn't explain clearly to Lin Xi, and Lin Xi left...Maybe there really won't be a chance to explain in the future, right?

Gu Nianchu's breathing was heavy, and it fell into Liang Qichen's ear, but it was a bit ironic.

"Why is she uncomfortable?" Gu Nianchu asked suddenly, his voice had returned to calm, and it was still the calm voice.

"Well, President Gu doesn't need to know... After Mengmeng, someone will take care of her." Liang Qichen spoke in a very crisp voice without leaving any room for it.

(End of this chapter)

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