Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 633 You and New Year's Eve Are Both A Dream

Chapter 633 You and New Year's Eve Are Both A Dream (2)

Gu Nianchu's heart hurt even more, he suddenly felt that everything in front of him was gray, even the neon lights outside the window were gray in his eyes at this moment.

He was about to speak, but suddenly there was a rustling sound.Gu Nianchu frowned and turned on the speakerphone.

He heard Lin Xi's weak voice, which seemed to be talking to Liang Qichen: "How am I? Are you okay? Is she... all right?"

Lin Xi's voice was tense, with a hint of anxiety.Liang Qichen smiled, and his voice was extraordinarily gentle: "Okay, Mengmeng, I'm fine. It's late, you go to bed first, and tell me when you're hungry."

Although Liang Qichen deliberately took the phone away, the sound was still very clear.Gu Nianchu clearly noticed that now he wants to kill more and more, more and more...

"Okay... By the way, where is my phone?" Lin Xi seemed to want to check the time, but found that her phone was not next to the pillow, so she asked.

"Someone is calling for you, I'll answer it for you." Liang Qichen said with a smile, even across the phone, Gu Nianchu could hear the tenderness in his tone.

Lin Xi let out a soft groan, and lay down obediently, without making any sound.

Perhaps Liang Qichen was afraid that he would disturb Lin Xi's sleep with his phone call, so he took Lin Xi's cell phone and walked outside.

"It's getting late, Mr. Gu, let's go to bed early. Hmm... I'm going to take care of Mengmeng. If something happens to her, I'll stop feeling guilty." Liang Qichen said with a smile, his words were obviously showing off .

But even though Gu Nianchu's heart was hurting, he still smiled: "Okay."

But just saying such a word made Gu Nianchu exhausted all his strength.In the end, he didn't even have the strength to hang up the phone, and he let Liang Qichen hang up.

Lin Xi was sleeping, Liang Qichen was next to Lin Xi, and even answered a phone call for her, and Lin Xi woke up suddenly, Liang Qichen was also very natural...

Are the two of them really together...

In other words, the Cheng family and the Liang family really had a marriage contract.

He took a deep breath. Today, he deeply realized what it means to be rewarded for evil.

He deceived Lin Xi about his cooperation with Ye Qingqing, so now Lin Xi has found her fiance.

He is no longer Lin Xi's him... and the culprit is all because of Gu Nianchu, all because of his selfishness...

Gu Nianchu took a deep breath, but felt that the oxygen around her was getting less and less.Until the end, his heart started throbbing.

I don't know if it was because of Lin Xi's words today, or because of his own selfishness... He closed his eyes tightly, and when he finally couldn't help it, he stretched out his hand to hold his heart, trying to relieve some pain.

Why did his heart have so many holes... Where did the person in his heart go?How could his heart hurt so much.

Lying on the bed weakly, he suddenly remembered his marriage contract with Ye Qingqing.His eyes flashed, as if he had suddenly decided on something.

Later, Gu Nianchu didn't leave because of his heartache, and slept until dawn in 905—it was dawn, but it was evening.

He slept almost the whole day, and the two months of overloaded work finally eased this night.

When he woke up, he only felt that something was missing in his heart, but he couldn't tell what it was like.

Lin Xi's figure flashed across his mind, and he closed his eyes.

Since he can't marry her, he should go...

(End of this chapter)

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