Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 635 You and New Year's Eve Are Both A Dream

Chapter 635 You and New Year's Eve Are Both A Dream (4)

The speed of the car on the highway is inevitably a little fast.She took a lot of medicine when she came out this time, and because she was pregnant, she felt very uncomfortable in the car.

She didn't get motion sickness at first, but not long after getting in the car, she suddenly started to retch.Lin Xi has never been hypocritical, so she didn't take it seriously at all. She took out the medicine prescribed by the doctor, took a few pills, and then lay down on the chair to sleep.

Driving to S City, the time does not stop.At Liang Qichen's speed, he drove for a full four hours before finally approaching City S...but Lin Xi tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

Although she was feeling uncomfortable, she suddenly laughed when she thought that the child in her belly belonged to Gu Nianchu and her.

She still has a baby, and she can't go down.Finally, the depressed Lin Xi took out her mobile phone and called An Sishui.

And it was extremely safe for her to come out this time, not only Liang Qichen was by her side, but also some members of the Cheng family, they all followed behind the car.But at the beginning, Lin Xi didn't know it.

"Hello... Lin Xi." An Sishui's voice was trembling, and revealed a trace of fear. When she received Lin Xi's call at this moment, it was like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw.

"What's the matter, Xiao Shui? Tell me what's going on with you? Is Mo Liunian bullying you again! You're waiting for me and I'm on the way to Hui S City." Lin Xi hurriedly spoke, comforting An Sishui.But facing An Sishui who was unwilling to confide a single word, Lin Xi felt a little helpless.

After a while, An Sishui's voice was not heard.

"Where are you now?" Lin Xi asked suddenly, but the voice on the phone suddenly changed.

What was different was that this time it was a male voice, and Lin Xi had just heard this voice before.

"Hi, Miss Cheng, long time no see." It's Qiao Yi!It was Qiao Yi who occupied An Sishui's body!It was Qiao Yi who was forcibly sealed by Cheng Fengyue.

How come it hasn't been half a year, and he has already recovered.

"Hmph! Miss Cheng, you still think things too simply! I haven't broken the seal, but the original owner of this body has become a little weak recently." Qiao Yi explained slowly, he seemed to be very patient today, It seemed that he hadn't spoken to anyone for a long time.

Lin Xi never spoke, her hands and feet were slightly cold.But she is very talented and has been practicing spiritual power in Cheng's family for two months, and she is already different from the past.

"Interesting, the enemy is coming..." Qiao Yi said suddenly, uttering such a nonsensical remark.

"Miss Cheng, turn on your phone's speakerphone." Qiao Yi said suddenly.

But Lin Xi did it by magic. She was not controlled by Qiao Yi. With her current strength, it was very difficult for Qiao Yi to control her, not to mention that there was a phone call between the two of them.

Qiao Yi opened his mouth suddenly, and said a word loudly.

Lin Xi lifted his eyelids, and subconsciously looked at Liang Qichen, but he didn't respond, his eyes were staring straight ahead, looking at the road.

It seemed... as if he hadn't heard anything just now, he was still as calm as ever.

Lin Xi frowned, as if she was the only one who could hear what Qiao Yi said.

"Miss Cheng, you guessed right. Only you can hear it. Because you are my enemy." Qiao Yi smiled, and the laughter became more and more piercing.

Although Liang Qichen couldn't hear it, the piercing laughter still pierced into her ears.

(End of this chapter)

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