Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 636 You and New Year's Eve Are Both A Dream

Chapter 636 You and New Year's Eve Are Both A Dream (5)

Lin Xi frowned, looked at the disturbing Qiao Yi over there, made a trick with one hand, and suddenly covered the phone.Suddenly, a light flashed on the phone, and then, Qiao Yi's voice was no longer heard.

Only then did Lin Xi let out a sigh of relief, and secretly sighed that the surroundings around her were finally much cleaner.This piercing sound cannot be heard by her little baby~
Then, Lin Xi put down her mobile phone, and smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth.
S city

An Sishui has been living in Mo Liunian's house recently, but the two of them have never had a relationship, at most they are just a girlfriend,

An Sishui, who never went out, unexpectedly went out today.Moreover, she went to cry.Her position has not changed, but she has recently asked for leave, so someone will replace him for the time being.But after she arrived at the company, she didn't go to her department at all, she called Ye Qingqing directly and asked where she is now?

Ye Qingqing seemed surprised to receive a call from An Sishui, telling her that she was fine and at home.

"Okay, come to the cafe next to Qinglei, I have something to ask you." An Sishui's voice was a little indifferent, and even none of her colleagues who had a good relationship with her before stepped forward to say hello to An Sishui .

Oh no, she is no longer An Sishui, she is Qiao Yi.To be precise, it was Qiao Yi who took the initiative in the body.

He manipulated An Sishui's body to the nearby cafe, ordered a cup of coffee, sat at a window seat, and waited quietly for Ye Qingqing.

Lin Xi... my enemy, today I let you come here in high spirits, and return in disappointment!

Qiao Yi's hand suddenly pinched the coffee cup, but fortunately, he was not strong enough to crush the coffee cup.

He is not alone, so the temperature where he appears at this moment is slightly lower than other places.

So for a while, there was no one at the next table next to him.

Soon, Ye Qingqing arrived.

She looked at An Sishui, narrowed her eyes, and finally walked up to An Sishui, smiled: "Hello, Minister An."

With that said, Ye Qingqing sat down unceremoniously, she called the waiter again, and ordered a cup of hot milk tea.

An Sishui nodded slightly, and suddenly said: "I heard that Ye Yinghou is going to marry Gu Nianchu? It's just that Gu Nianchu has always cared about others?"

The smile on Ye Qingqing's face suddenly froze, and she frowned, as if she was very reluctant to bring up this question.

Suddenly, An Sishui sneered: "I'm here to help you."

Ye Qing glanced at An Sishui hesitantly, Gu Nianchu's heart was Lin Xi, and An Sishui was Lin Xi's friend, how could she come to help her?
Ye Qingqing is not stupid, she still has this judgment.

But Qiao Yi didn't seem in the mood to waste time with Ye Qingqing, and directly confuse Ye Qingqing's mind with that unreasonableness.

Oh~ So what Ye Qingqing wants most is Gu Nianchu?

With a hook on the corner of Qiao Yi's mouth, she took out a pinch of tea from herself and gave it to Ye Qingqing. At the same time, she said slowly, "Empress Ye Ying, I'm going to Gu Nianchu's house tonight, so I'll make this cup of tea for Gu Nian." At the beginning, be sure to let him drink it..."

Not only that, Qiao Yi also calculated the time and told her exactly what to do.

With no expression on Ye Qingqing's face, she nodded numbly.

Joe ticked off the corner of his mouth...

Lin Xi, you should bear the pain tonight... Eat hard first, and sooner or later I will let you pay back what your Cheng family owes me.

 There's still one chapter left~ I can't do it anymore
  Look, I'm getting a little Calvin.

  The new and old data are all bad...

  Poke my profile picture to read the new article~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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