Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 657 You and New Year's Eve Are Both A Dream

Chapter 657 You and New Year's Eve Are Both A Dream (27)

"Let's announce our relationship a year ago, lest there be any obstacles." Liang Qichen spoke slowly, looked at Lin Xi, and waited for Lin Xi's answer.

Lin Xi nodded obediently and did not refuse.They got married, he didn't touch her, and he had to take care of her children, and the certificates were all fake.

In any case, it was unfair to Liang Qichen.But in love, there is no absolute fairness at all.But they are willing to humble and please those they love.

Lin Xi pursed her lips, even if she couldn't let go of Gu Nianchu, she would never, never go to Gu Nianchu's place to make a fool of herself again.

The two looked at each other and smiled, this was their little secret.The point of interest is that the two of them take what they need and respect each other.

Not long after, Cheng Fengyue had already rushed back.After Lin Xi ate something, she had another checkup at the hospital.

After reading the report, the doctor looked at Lin Xi with a slightly weird look.After all, at that time, Lin Xi had checked that the child was gone, but now the child is normal, which is really shocking.

Lin Xi and Cheng Fengyue naturally didn't care about other people's opinions. After making sure that the child was fine, Lin Xi wanted to leave the hospital.

"Mengmeng will stay and observe for a few more days. The doctor once said that if you are in such a bad mood, you will easily lose your baby." Cheng Feng was a little worried. He didn't want Lin Xi to leave the hospital so early, so he could only persuade him earnestly.

Naturally, Liang Qichen also cared about Lin Xi, and hoped that she could stay in the hospital for two more days. He echoed, "Yes, Mengmeng. You don't want the child to have another accident, do you?"

Lin Xi was silent. The reason why she was leaving the hospital was because she didn't want to stay in S City.Here are all the good things for her, but also all the bad things for her.

As long as she takes a breath of the air here, it seems that what enters her nose is the smell of Gu Nianchu.As long as she closes her eyes, the image of Gu Nianchu and Ye Qingqing that night will appear in her mind...

Finally, Lin Xi compromised: "Okay, I won't leave. But it's agreed, I'll stay for two days!"

Faced with Lin Xi's bargaining, Liang Qichen and Cheng Fengyue naturally smiled dotingly, and were glad that Lin Xi could be so childish.

Not long after, Cheng Fengyue looked at Lin Xi suddenly, and asked, "Mengmeng, how do you want to deal with that matter?"

He looked at Lin Xi seriously, with a hint of anger hidden in his eyes.

Lin Xi didn't know what he was talking about was about Gu Nianchu, Lin Xi paused, her eyelashes flickered twice.

If it wasn't for his mother, Gu Nianchu and Ye Qingqing would have already killed their children.

But at the end of the day, it's your own fault.Blame her for being affectionate, blame her for taking herself too seriously, blame her for always thinking that Gu Nianchu really loves herself.

"It's over, let's go. Uncle, at least I'm fine now!" Lin Xi smiled, looking at Cheng Fengyue, hiding the sadness in her heart.

Knowing that her uncle is so powerful, she must have known what happened that night.She simply stopped thinking about it, calmed down and recuperated in the hospital for two days.

In the past two days, she naturally saw the scandal between Gu Nianchu and Ye Qingqing on Weibo.She seemed to have been numb, and there was no wave on her face when she saw it.Even after watching it, he could tell a joke with Liang Qichen.

But Lin Xi like this made people feel even more distressed.

She didn't look for Gu Nianchu again, for her that was the last meeting.

(End of this chapter)

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