Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 658 You and New Year's Eve Are Both A Dream

Chapter 658 You and New Year's Eve Are Both A Dream (28)

For a period of time after that, it was relatively calm.Lin Xi returned to Sucheng, and there was no trace of Gu Nianchu in her world, as if she had never been involved in his life.

Both of them disappeared completely from each other's world.Because of Lin Xi's pregnancy, she did not continue to practice spiritual power when she returned to Cheng's house. Cheng Yizhen let Lin Xi report to Cheng's house every day.It's just that many Cheng family members have heard about Cheng Fengrao's rescue of Lin Xi's baby.

The Cheng family was very fond of Cheng Fengrao, so this time when Lin Xi came back, the Cheng family put on a full-fledged posture and warmly welcomed Lin Xi.Lin Xi also took advantage of her mother's reputation this time to gain prestige!
Even on the 25th day of the twelfth lunar month, when the Cheng family's Cheng Mengmeng and the Liang family's Liang Qichen got married, there was no ripple in Lin Xi's heart.From that day on, Lin Xi lived in Cheng's house logically. On the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, it was officially announced that Lin Xi was pregnant.

Lin Xi always thought that her life would go on like this, but the real change happened on New Year's Eve.

And this change was caused by the person who hadn't appeared in her life for a long time.

But before this accident, I still need to talk about Gu Nianchu's recent situation.
Since he slammed the door of the Gu family that day, he never contacted everyone in the Gu family.Of course, none of the Ye family and the Gu family dared to take the initiative to contact Gu Nianchu, including Ye Qingqing, who had suddenly heard nothing about it recently.

It was a peaceful day, and there was no wave on Gu Nianchu's face.He looked at the document for a while, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.He frowned and quickly drank a little water.He had a hunch that something was about to happen.

Sure enough, the next moment Zhang Wen walked in with a pile of documents, she seemed to want to finish speaking, but seeing Gu Nianchu's frowning brows, she finally shut up.

But Gu Nianchu stopped her, and only said one word to her: "Say."

Zhang Wen was taken aback, so she had to repeat the news she had just received to Gu Nianchu.

"Mr. Gu, the latest news is that Liang Qichen of the Liang family and Cheng Mengmeng of the Cheng family were rumored to be married, and both of them have admitted it. They even released their marriage certificates on Weibo." Zhang Wen's tone was a bit bad, saying this After speaking, he quietly looked at Gu Nianchu's expression.

The man's face was livid, and he looked terrible, as if a layer of frost had formed on his face.

Zhang Wen shivered and quickly left Gu Nianchu's office.By the way, he helped Gu Nianchu close the door.

Gu Nianchu's complexion became worse and worse, and at the end he suddenly started to breathe heavily, his mind was full of what Zhang Wen had just said to him.

Lin Xi and Liang Qichen are married... married... so soon.

But Lin Xi, I still have to thank Liang Qichen for taking good care of you for me.I'm not a good man, to delay you because of so many things.

Sorry, I chose to face the wind and rain in all directions, but I still failed you in the end.

But it's too late to say anything...

From the moment I got you, I always thought that this letter would not be sent out.But you once again proved with facts that I thought too much.

Gu Nianchu raised his eyelids, and took out a piece of delicate letter paper from the drawer.

He opened the letter he had saved for a long time on the computer, and began to copy it on the letter paper bit by bit.

(End of this chapter)

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