Chapter 670 She Is My Lifelong Dream (4)

Lin Xi was very happy now, smiled, and turned to look at Cheng Yizhen: "Grandpa, I'm going. Anyway, after giving birth to the milkshake, I'm free."

Cheng Yizhen smiled, but a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes when he heard the word "Little Milkshake"

Cheng Fengyue's eyes brightened: "Little Milkshake? Milkshake's Xi and Lin Xi's Xi both have the same pronunciation. Lin Xi, your name is so nice?"

Lin Xi nodded in surprise. She didn't expect the name given by Little Milkshake's father to be recognized by so many people: "Yes! Little Milkshake~ I think it sounds good too."

Then, so many people shouted "Little Milkshake, Little Milkshake", even Liang Qichen was very happy and kept calling the baby's name.

Soon, the few days of Chinese New Year have passed.Lin Xi also lived a very harmonious life. Even if some people who don't have eyesight come to see her, they will be turned away by Liang Qichen or Liang's mother.She was also leisurely at home every day, chatting with Liang's mother.

Either Liang's mother gave her popular science knowledge about pregnant women, or Lin Xi told Liang's mother some cooking tips.So the two get along very well.

But on the fourteenth day of the first lunar month, a sudden news caught Lin Xi off guard.

This matter has to start with Gu Nianchu calling himself on New Year's Eve...
Go back in time to New Year's Eve
Gu Nianchu sat in his office, looking at these documents.In fact, the employees had been on vacation six days ago. Except for Zhang Wen who left the day before New Year's Eve, everyone else had a long vacation...

So now, Gu Nianchu is the only one left in the huge Gu family.

Of course he didn't forget that Ji Mochen said today that he would come to find him.So after simply processing the documents for a while, he received Ji Mochen's change.

Ji Mochen said that he had already arrived at Gu's downstairs and asked Gu Nianchu to come down.

Gu Nianchu didn't write any ink, just took his car keys and went downstairs.He went to the underground parking lot to take out his car and got on the road.Sure enough, Ji Mochen's car was parked beside Gu's.

When Ji Mochen saw Gu Nianchu, he lowered his car window, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Gu Nianchu, how about going to the bar today?"

Gu Nianchu hummed lightly, but didn't say much.

So the two cars went to the bar one after the other.It was almost the Chinese New Year, and many people in City S had returned to their hometowns, so there was not much traffic, and it didn't take long for the two of them to arrive at the bar.

In the noisy bar, the bartender elegantly mixes the drinks, chatting with the pretty girl next to him from time to time.In the middle of the dance floor, countless men and women writhed there.

Gu Nianchu suddenly rang, that he was in a bad mood that day and came to the bar to drink.That day he was so drunk that he passed out, Ye Qingqing came to take him away.

He remembered very clearly that Ye Qingqing called Lin Xi on the way and asked Lin Xi to come over and take Gu Nianchu away again.

Lin Xi may have taken care of him for a long time, so when he woke up, he went out and found Lin Xi sleeping on the sofa.

For some reason, he couldn't suppress the throbbing in his heart, and almost kissed Lin Xi.

Fortunately, Lin Xi pushed him away, otherwise he was really not sure what he would do that day.

After leaving of course, he went to his room.

(End of this chapter)

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