Chapter 671 She Is My Lifelong Dream (5)

It didn't take long before I heard that Lin Xi had gone to the set.He frowned and hurried over.On that day, Lin Xi was beaten by Joey.

At the same time, Lin Xi was in a coma. He also investigated Joey's real identity, and even knew everything about Joey.In the end, Joey died, and he tried his best to suppress it.

Of course, after this incident, Lin Xi also returned to her original appearance.Therefore, Joey's appearance was an accident and a blessing.

If it wasn't for Joey, Lin Xi might still have a big birthmark on her face now.Gu Nianchu let out a long breath. In fact, he was somewhat selfish, and he didn't want Lin Xi to be so beautiful. After all, she was too beautiful to be missed by so many people.

Now that he suddenly remembered the past, Gu Nianchu was in a daze for a moment, unable to react for a long time.It wasn't until the end that Ji Mochen called him countless times that he came back to his senses.

At that time, there were countless little girls in the bar who wore revealing clothes in winter, staring at Gu Nianchu with fiery eyes, wishing they could throw themselves on Gu Nianchu now.

He likes to come to the bar, but it doesn't mean he likes these girls in the bar, so Gu Nianchu's very straightforward, extremely indifferent voice sounded: "Get out."

His eyes fell on those girls, and everyone was shocked for a moment, no one dared to speak, and no one dared to continue staring at Gu Nianchu.

If a man dares to say such a thing in this bar, it means that he must have status.What's more, after he finished speaking, no security guard came over.

So for a while, everyone began to fear Gu Nianchu's identity.Of course, there were also a few Huahua juniors who recognized Gu Nianchu and greeted Gu Nianchu.

Gu Nianchu just nodded without saying a word.He and Ji Mochen sat in a corner, where they could clearly see the whole bar.

So, the two sat down and ordered a lot of wine at the same time.

Gu Nianchu drank because he was depressed, and why Lin Xi really didn't want him anymore.At the same time, he was also blaming himself, blaming himself for not doing things so simply.

Gu Nianchu was very entangled, the more entangled he was, the more he wanted to drink.

Gu Nianchu really didn't expect Ji Mochen to drink.Because Ji Mochen usually only drinks some high-quality things to pretend to be aggressive.But today, all he wants is not low.

Gu Nianchu frowned, and he unconsciously said more: "Why do you drink so much?"

Ji Mochen was silent for a moment, and a slight wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "I seem to be in love with someone."

After he finished speaking, the wine they ordered had already been brought up at this time, so Ji Mochen took advantage of the opportunity to open a bottle and took a big sip.

He didn't even bother to pour it into the glass, so Gu Nianchu naturally wouldn't bother him.So the big presidents of the two companies were actually sitting in the bar blowing on the bottles at this moment.

Both of them had something on their minds, and after drinking too much, they even spoke out unconsciously.

"I don't know why, but her figure is all in my mind. I don't know when she completely infiltrated my life."

"I didn't expect that! I, Ji Mochen, have been wandering around for so long, and this is the first time that I would blush when I saw a girl. But when I saw her staying with Mo Liunian every day, I started to get irritable... such a good manager Man, why didn't I dig it out sooner."

(End of this chapter)

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