Chapter 686 "No More" (11)

The greatest joy of a woman is undoubtedly to be able to buy, buy, buy... So, when the two of them talked about this, they were very happy.

At this moment, Lin Xi didn't know that Gu Nianchu had already come to Sucheng.
Inside the bar

Countless men and women twisted their bodies in the middle of the dance floor.The last time Gu Nianchu came to the bar was because he was drinking with Ji Mochen, that time he called Lin Xi and broke everything between the two of them...

Coupled with what he experienced in the bar before, Gu Nianchu couldn't help frowning when he saw this atmosphere.

But soon, he got used to it.Looking at the people in a bar, looking for Liang Qichen's figure.

Finally, a girl who looked like a princess came up to him, walked up to Gu Nianchu, and twisted her hip coquettishly: "Handsome guy~ Do you need any special service?"

Gu Nianchu's eyes fell on the girl's face coldly, which made the girl tremble slightly.

Soon, the princess-like figure ran away.

Then, another girl with the appearance of a princess came over, but she was much calmer. After seeing Gu Nianchu's face, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes.

After a while, she suppressed the amazement in her heart, but before she could speak, Gu Nianchu said indifferently: "No, get out!"

The princess was silent for a moment, then took out a room card: "Sir, Mr. Liang is here to invite you."

Then, after handing the card to Gu Nianchu, he ran away quickly.

Gu Nianchu sneered, and asked a waiter to take her to this private room.

Contrary to what he had imagined, he didn't see any women at all when he came in, and he didn't even smell a bit of inferior perfume.

There is only a faint medicinal fragrance in the nose.

In the middle of the sofa, Liang Qichen was sitting there with a glass of wine in his hand.

When the door was opened, Liang Qichen's eyes naturally turned away. When he saw Gu Nianchu, he smiled, put down the wine glass in his hand, took another glass of wine, and walked in front of Gu Nianchu.

He handed the glass of wine to Gu Nianchu: "Mr. Gu, try the medicinal wine I made myself."

Gu Nianchu didn't speak, took the glass and walked in.

But after taking two steps, he suddenly stopped.

Liang Qichen frowned, and a trace of provocation flashed in his smiling eyes: "What's wrong? Mr. Gu is afraid?"

"Heh! You have a lot of shady things in this room." Gu Nianchu smiled, pointing at a certain location intentionally or unintentionally.

Liang Qichen paused, his back suddenly stiffened, and looked at the direction Gu Nianchu pointed.

Then, he smiled: "Mr. Gu is indeed a talent!"

After finishing speaking, Liang Qichen waved his hand helplessly.The air seemed to be squeezed by something, and many intangible things seemed to disappear at once.

That's right, just now Gu Nianchu saw a room full of ghosts.

He is very special and has a very special physique, so he can see many things that ordinary people cannot see.But this requires an opportunity.

For example, he can't see lonely ghosts, but he can see all these ghosts, including Wangcai.

It's because only the manipulative ghost Gu Nianchu can feel it, the more it is, the more clearly he can even see it.

Gu Nianchu walked in: "I don't know what Mr. Liang has learned today?"

Gu Nianchu smiled, he believed that Liang Qichen was not the kind of person who would play tricks.

So he smiled and looked at Liang Qichen unceremoniously.

"No. I just heard that Mr. Gu has come to Sucheng, so I still want to do my best." Liang Qichen said with a smile.


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