Chapter 687 "No More" (12)

Gu Nianchu sneered and looked at Liang Qichen.Based on his understanding of Liang Qichen, he would never be so good.Leaving aside the relationship between the two families, just take Lin Xi, the two of them have enough reasons to target.

What to do as a landlord, to put it bluntly, is to come here to mock Gu Nianchu, and show off Lin Xi beside him by the way.Gu Nianchu saw Liang Qichen's purpose right away, without even looking at Liang Qichen.

Then, Gu Nianchu sat on the sofa.Liang Qichen handed Gu Nianchu a glass of wine, and smiled at Gu Nianchu.He originally wanted to clink glasses with Gu Nianchu, but after seeing the indifference in his eyes, Liang Qichen stopped his movements.

He didn't want to make it ugly, but it didn't mean that Gu Nianchu thought so.

"Mr. Gu came all the way from S City to Sioux City, is there something urgent?" Liang Qichen smiled, shaking the wine glass in his hand lightly.The bright red liquid swirls in the cup...

Liang Qichen had already heard that when Gu Nianchu and Ye Qingqing regretted their marriage, he also knew that Gu Nianchu was about to enlist in the army.

"That doesn't bother Mr. Liang." Gu Nianchu's tone was still so indifferent, and after he finished speaking, he didn't even look at Liang Qichen.

He also held a glass of wine in his hand, and took a sip gracefully.

"President Gu is here to find Mengmeng, right?" Liang Qichen said slowly, with a smile on his lips.But there was a hint of confidence in his eyes.

Liang Qichen suddenly took out his mobile phone and checked the time.Then, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

Gu Nianchu was sitting not far from Liang Qichen, so he glanced at Liang Qichen, and easily saw the lock screen wallpaper on Liang Qichen's phone.

Is it Lin Xi, or a photo of Lin Xi secretly taken by him.

Gu Nianchu suddenly lost his temper, and his tone was slightly sour: "So what?"

He wasn't ready to refuse at all, anyway, now in Sucheng, he really couldn't avoid such a big Liang family.

But it doesn't mean that a Liang family can interfere with his activities.

Liang Qichen pursed his lips, and the phone rang suddenly.

The smile on Liang Qichen's face was even bigger, and after he got on the phone, his tone was much softer: "Mengmeng, don't worry, I'll go back right away...well, I just finished dealing with work, so there's no need to prepare supper...well, You rest first, don't wait for me... goodbye, good night."

From the beginning to the end, his tone was very gentle, because the person on the phone was his favorite person.

Gu Nianchu sat at the side, although he couldn't hear Lin Xi's voice, but after hearing what Liang Qichen said, he could guess what Lin Xi was talking about.

His hand holding the wine glass suddenly strengthened, and his heart began to throb uncontrollably.

But because Liang Qichen was sitting next to him, he managed to suppress the discomfort in his heart.

Gu Nianchu drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and put the glass on the marble coffee table with a crisp sound.

"If you have something to do, I won't accompany you for now." Gu Nianchu's tone was still indifferent, and after uttering these words, he didn't even look at Liang Qichen.

When he reached the door, Gu Nianchu stopped, turned his head, and looked at Liang Qichen: "I hope Mr. Liang doesn't interfere with what I do in Sucheng."

Leaving this sentence behind, Gu Nianchu left the bar.

He said he didn't feel bad, it was a lie.

Seeing the woman he loves the most with another person makes him uncomfortable, but at the same time he feels relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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