Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 704 1 Live up to the country, 2 Live up to Qingqing

Chapter 704 Live up to the country, live up to Qingqing (3)

He followed his own route, walked to his car in less than 5 minutes, put Lin Xi in the back seat, and drove the car, speeding all the way to Cheng's hospital.

On the way, Gu Nianchu felt as if he had been hit with mixed feelings. He watched Lin Xi clutching his stomach from afar, with a painful expression on his face.At that moment, he guessed that Lin Xi was going to give birth.

He didn't want to appear in front of Lin Xi easily, so he decided to wait.But no one showed up, and Lin Xi was also helplessly in the room.With such a distance, the despair in Lin Xi's eyes made his heart tremble.

Finally, Gu Nianchu broke the glass and took Lin Xi away.He has selfish motives. If he handed Lin Xi over to the Liang family, or the Cheng family outside, then his chances of seeing Lin Xi and Little Milkshake are almost zero.

He couldn't bear it, couldn't bear to see Lin Xi for the last time, so he hurried to the country.So, he took Lin Xi away.

After such a long time, he finally heard Lin Xi talking to him.But this sentence is hard for him to accept now.

"Qichen... I, I'm going to give birth."

She didn't recognize herself, Gu Nianchu wanted to laugh, and also... wanted to cry.

But even if she belongs to another person now, she is his everything to Gu Nianchu, and he is Gu Nianchu's lifelong guardian...

On the road, Lin Xi from behind made noises from time to time because of the pain.It made Gu Nianchu feel distressed, but there was nothing he could do.

"It hurts..." Lin Xi said in a crying voice, "Little milkshake..."

Her voice was intermittent, Gu Nianchu didn't dare to listen, because he was afraid of something wrong.

With his speed, he arrived at the hospital soon.After listening to the car casually, he hugged Lin Xi down again.

He had called beforehand, and the people from the hospital were already waiting outside.

As soon as they saw Cheng Mengmeng, they quickly got her into the car and pushed her all the way to the delivery room.

"Mengmeng, I'm fine, I'm at the hospital." Gu Nianchu said slowly, and followed the car all the way forward.He knew that Lin Xi was in so much pain that he couldn't see clearly now, so he dared to speak out boldly.

He held Lin Xi's hand tightly, and his voice was dry and hoarse.

Upon hearing this voice, Lin Xi's lips moved slightly.

"Little milkshake... well, your dad..."

She spat out a few words intermittently, and Gu Nianchu only heard these few words.

Finally arrived at the delivery room, the doctor stopped Gu Nianchu from the door.

"Sir, you can't go in." After finishing speaking, the door was quickly closed.

Gu Nianchu's hands were in the air, and he was silent for a long time.

He sent her to the hospital, and he accompanied her to give birth.

Gu Nianchu took a deep breath and staggered slightly.Then, he quickly sat down on the chair.

He accompanied her favorite woman to have a child...but the child was not his.

Is it ridiculous?
Gu Nianchu took a deep breath and looked at the delivery room in front of him.

Because of the pain, Lin Xi yelled loudly.

The heart of Gu Nianchu who shouted was tugged.

"Oh...Mr. Gu? Mr. Gu?" He was in a state of anxiety when a voice suddenly came from beside his ear.

Gu Nianchu turned around and found that this person was Dr. Cheng, his attending physician when he was hospitalized.At the same time, he was also the doctor who cured Lin Xi's face when he came to S city.

"Doctor Cheng." Gu Nianchu smiled wryly and greeted him.

"Miss Cheng is in there?" Dr. Cheng asked, looked at Gu Nianchu, and said something meaningful.

(End of this chapter)

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