Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 705 1 Live up to the country, 2 Live up to Qingqing

Chapter 705 Live up to the country, live up to Qingqing (4)

Gu Nianchu nodded, thought for a while, and then said tentatively: "How about you..."

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Dr. Cheng: "Stop it! Don't say it!" He seemed to have understood what Gu Nianchu was going to say, smiled, and looked at the little assistant beside him.

"Go and get him a sterile suit." Dr. Cheng explained slowly.The little assistant went quickly.

"Thank you." Gu Nianchu said sincerely, and he, who had always been indifferent, finally showed a faint smile.

Dr. Cheng didn't speak, and after waiting for the little assistant to take back the sterile suits, both of them changed into them.It's a joke, it's the Cheng family's most beloved youngest daughter, how could he not go in?

"Doctor Cheng, Ms. Cheng's child was born prematurely, and the amniotic fluid broke before it was delivered. The current situation is a bit tricky..." The doctor frowned obviously, as if he felt that it was a little difficult to handle.

When Gu Nianchu heard this, he became anxious: "Isn't the survival rate of premature births very high now? How can you be such a powerful hospital that you can't save them?"

The doctor's eyes flickered, and he looked at Gu Nianchu slightly dissatisfied.

"Mr. Gu, don't talk about it yet. I've already come. Miss Cheng, I will definitely cure you." Doctor Cheng said with a smile, took the scalpel from the doctor's hand, and spoke seriously.

Gu Nianchu felt slightly relieved, but still gave the doctor a hard look.

"Mengmeng." Gu Nianchu said slowly, and grabbed Lin Xi's hand.

Lin Xi was in so much pain that she was sweating all over, even her palms were covered in cold sweat.

Hearing Gu Nianchu's voice at this moment, she seemed to be dreaming, and she forgot to cry out in pain.

"Gu Nianchu?" Lin Xi's weak voice sounded, and even Gu Nianchu couldn't understand it.

"Yes, it's me." Gu Nianchu held Lin Xi's hand tightly and replied nervously.

The next second, Lin Xi suddenly cried: "Why did you come..." There was a trace of dissatisfaction and coquettishness in her tone, which melted Gu Nianchu's heart...

"Sorry, I'm late." Gu Nianchu kissed her hand, with a trace of apology in his tone.

Lin Xi didn't speak, but subconsciously held Gu Nianchu tightly, as if afraid that Gu Nianchu would disappear in the next second.

She felt that she was dreaming now, first she dreamed that Little Milkshake was about to give birth prematurely, then she dreamed that she was sent to the hospital by Gu Nianchu, and at this moment, she dreamed that Gu Nianchu was by her side, accompanying her to give birth... …

How can there be such a beautiful dream?

In the past ten months, she has never dared to expect such beauty...

Lin Xi took a deep breath, but the pain in her lower body seemed to tell her again that this was not a dream, it was real, and she was really giving birth.

"It hurts..." Lin Xi uttered again, holding Gu Nianchu's hand.

Gu Nianchu was also anxious, seeing Lin Xi's appearance, he wished to have a child for Lin Xi.

The nails on Lin Xi's hand had already dug into Gu Nianchu's flesh, but from the beginning to the end, Gu Nianchu did not make a sound.

Because he wanted to remember Lin Xi's pain today...

"If it hurts, just pinch me, it's okay..." Gu Nianchu's voice was very gentle, as if he was a long, long time ago, treating himself as a baby, pampering and holding him.

But when Lin Xi thought about what happened later, she couldn't help pinching Gu Nianchu.

Because it was really painful, she didn't attack lightly at all.

(End of this chapter)

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