Chapter 719 Gu Nianchu in front of Naihe Bridge (1)

"Xiao Shui, take good care of yourself."

For some reason, a void voice suddenly came from the air.An Sishui's heart trembled, she stood up suddenly, looked at the source of the voice, and shed tears unconsciously.For two years, she would dream of this voice every time she dreamed in the past two years.

But now, this voice actually appeared in An Sishui's ears.This is Mo Liunian's voice...

Lin Xi frowned, because she heard it too.Before he had time to say anything, he heard An Sishui's panicked voice: "Lin Xi, talk about him, did something happen to him..."

An Sishui bit her lip, looked in the direction of the sound source, and was stunned for a long time.

Lin Xi remained silent, all she knew was that when her heart hurt just now, she heard someone call her name.That voice was one she would never forget for the rest of her life.It's Gu Nianchu, it's really Gu Nianchu.

It seems that something happened to them... Just like the director said, they are carrying out a very dangerous mission, and I heard that several people have died.Could it be that something happened to Gu Nianchu and Mo Liunian now?

Lin Xi didn't dare to think about it, and was stunned for a moment.

But soon, she heard Little Milkshake relay to herself with a spirit crane: "Mom, I heard Daddy calling me."

Lin Xi stood up abruptly, looking at Little Milkshake in disbelief.

For two years, Little Milkshake was not allowed to be hugged by Liang Qichen, and she never called anyone Dad.Lin Xi didn't force Little Milkshake either, Little Milkshake was very obedient, but he didn't ask why.

But at this moment, she suddenly said these words, which made Lin Xi's heart tremble violently twice.

"Daddy told me not to be angry with Mom, woo~ something happened to Daddy..." Linghe suddenly started crying after relaying what Little Milkshake had said.

She cried very sadly, Lin Xi forced a smile, and quickly sat down to comfort Little Milkshake.

"Lin Xi, open a space-time mirror and let me see him..." An Sishui whimpered, bit her lower lip to stop her trembling.

Lin Xi was silent.

"Daddy! Daddy!" At this moment, a small milky voice suddenly came out, and the words were not very smooth.But the sound hurts.

Lin Xi's eyes fell on Little Milkshake, and she paused.

Did she hallucinate just now?She actually heard her little milkshake talk?
"Little Milkshake? What did you just say?" Lin Xi calmed down rarely, looking at Little Milkshake.

"Daddy!" Little Milkshake repeated her own words with difficulty. She seemed to want to say something more, but she couldn't make a sound.

Well, Milkshake can talk now, but it seems she only calls Daddy.

Lin Xi suddenly felt distressed, and looked at An Sishui: "Wait a minute, I'll drive."

Little Milkshake wants to see her father, and An Sishui wants to see her husband. No matter what, Lin Xi must open the space-time mirror.

She made a strange gesture with her hand in the air, and then pointed to the lake.Soon, the lake followed her fingers up.

The strange thing is that no one else can see this scene except the three of them.

There is not much water in the lake, and in the small pavilion, it becomes a water mirror in the air.

In the mirror, there was faint light flowing, An Shishui and Xiao Milkshake stared at this water mirror intently.

Lin Xi's hands formed a strange seal, which hit the water mirror all at once.

Microwaves rippled in the mirror, and soon a picture appeared.

At first, there was a flow of people, and I couldn't see anyone I knew...

(End of this chapter)

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